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A Functional Library - Giving Purpose to the Space

Would you be interested in having a functional library with books you can read/enjoy?

  • Of course! That sounds like a super rad idea - let's make it happen!

  • Ehh, I guess you could do this and it might be helpful for some that enjoy reading.

  • Nah, we don't like to read

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Minecraft IGN: ZADANeth
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix
Wouldn't it be nice to enter into the great expansive library of Hogwarts and dive into the lore? To read a re-creation of some of the most popular books mentioned in the universe, to see and understand what names of what characters and structures are equivalent to the Harry Potter Universe? What about a way to actually read some of the best creative pieces written by the students in our classes - both to provide entertainment, connection to each other as a living breathing community, AND to understand what it would take to get that coveted O+ that can seem just out of reach for so many?

This would be a fairly simply thing to add and implement into the game, and a project that I would be more than happy to spearhead and take initiative in completing, and would give a whole new meaning and purpose to the structure that as of now is more or less just for visual appeal of having all the elements of the castle.

The library would be broken into sections. Either our amazing developer team could code some chests to look like bookshelves, or we could just strategically place chests in the already existing bookshelf structures with item frames or signs that indicate what kind of reading material is in which locations so that users would be able to access the reading material. It would be setup similar to other chests I've seen (such as the minecart chest in Gringotts) in game where if they click to remove the item from the chest - it creates a copy of the book in their inventory to avoid people checking out a book and it never making it back in, counteracting the work that would go into creating them.

First, I'll start by outlining the different sections and subsections of the proposed library:

- Professors
- Spirits & Ghouls
- Famous Witches & Wizards
- Unspeakables

- ALL SAME CATEGORIES AS TRAVEL SYSTEM (London, Hogwarts, Ireland, etc.)

- Classes that require a creative writing prompt, each would be its own category.

- Classes that require a creative writing prompt, each would be its own category.



Next, I'll outline what the purpose of these categories would be and the types of reading material/content that would be in them to inhabit the shelves.


Each category would be a book in a chest; "Professors," "Spirits & Ghouls," etc.

- Professors
- This book would detail out who the professors in the universe are! This would be all the names of the professors we know for each class, and what their name is in the Potterworld universe, but would also include our own professors that teach the various available classes to give recognition and to identify them as the teachers of those classes. For example, everyone knows Snape as the Potions master who always coveted Defense Against the Dark Arts and that's part of how he is identified as a professor. We could include little short one to two sentence "bios" for the professors as well.

- Spirits & Ghouls
- This book would detail out the spirits and ghouls of the Harry Potter Universe. A small one to two sentence descriptor for who they are and what they are known for as well as the Potterworld names as is the case with all the categories.

- Famous Witches & Wizards
- This book would detail out the famous witches and wizards of the Harry Potter Universe. A small one to two sentence descriptor for who they are and what they are known for as well as the Potterworld names as is the case with all the categories.

- Unspeakables
- This book would detail out the most evil and vile unspeakable characters of the Harry Potter Universe. A small one to two sentence descriptor for who they are and what they are known for as well as the Potterworld names as is the case with all the categories.

- ALL SAME CATEGORIES AS TRAVEL SYSTEM (London, Hogwarts, Ireland, etc.)
- The books for these locations would simply be an encyclopedia almost of what the real Harry Potter names equate to in the Potterworld universe. It could be one chest/shelf with each "category" being a book titled "London," "Hogwarts," etc. that details not only what the names equate to but also makes a quick reference when trying to figure out what locations are in what areas

- Classes that require a creative writing prompt, each would be its own category.
- In the category of that class, for example "History of Magic," "Magical Architecture," etc. we would have a collection of the best pieces from each class that our awesome professors put on for us. This gives a purpose to making it the best it possibly can be, knowing you could have your work featured in a public space where others can read it and learn how to improve their own writing - as this would ONLY be the best of the best O+ for that class that would be put into the library.

- Classes that require a creative writing prompt, each would be its own category.
- This is a new concept idea for those unable to adhere to the calendar schedule to make it to the classes that happen throughout the month. Each class would have its own box category, and inside of those boxes would be the prompts/lesson plan notes from our professors. You would be able to read through the notes and fulfill the prompts, sending it in through the mail, and would be able to earn a small number of AC in a remote class style situation. To incentivize making it to the classes still, you can make the maximum AC something like 5AC for an O+ or maybe 10AC - but this opens the door for more people to be involved in the class system and to rank and level up their characters when they are unable to make the classes available.

- There could be categories here if needed, but the main gist is that this would be a section for books noted in the Harry Potter Universe like "A History of Magic" and things along those lines.


- There could be categories here if needed, but the main gist is that this would be the section for originals created by our Potterworld Community! This could be from professors, experiencing graduates, or even just something creative from a brand new 1st year! This gives a chance to make the world feel like an active living wizarding community and how people are interacting with the game post graduation as they make their careers as Aurors, Pheonix, Dark Followers, etc. in the ministry and beyond.

I don't have the ability to get into the game and take the screenshots to make some render examples, but when I get off work I will do that and add photo examples of the concept below. Please let me know what you guys think, up-vote to get this implemented if you like it, and thank you for your time and consideration in this concept proposal.

Zadanthalion aka @MichaelBIsbell


Minecraft IGN: ZADANeth
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix
I believe Flip mentioned in the qna that's they're planning on adding more books to the Library
That's crazy that not one single person has mentioned that all the times I've brought this up in global. I don't think they are adding these kinds of books based on the responses I've heard every time it comes up.


Minecraft IGN: nathan1e
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Right so for more information on the library after the Revelius update on July 4th, simply click here in order to go to the Revelius Q&A and learn more about the library. The link sets you to the exact timestamp where Flip starts to talk about the library, so no need to actually go and look for the correct moment in the video.

As for the part in your suggestion that covers O+ assignments in the library: The problem with this is that there keep being more and more classes, meaning that there would be more and more books being added to it, which I don't really see happening. While I agree to a certain degree that a platform in PW would be nice for players to share their creativity in writing, I simply don't think that the library is a fitting platform to do this, as I think it's supposed to stay an official platform.

Furthermore, if you're really curious what it takes to get an O+, I suggest you take a look in your house's discord channel. Look at what people often receive an O+ and ask them if you can get a copy of their work, or just general tips n tricks. I'm sure they'll be happy to help; I certainly would.


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hello Zadanthalion,
Thank you for bringing forth your idea! We really appreciate it.
I will now discuss your idea with the other Poltergeists and we will get back to you with a decision soon.
Have a wonderful day!


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hey @Zadanthalion !
After discussing your suggestion, we have accepted it even if we likely will not use all your suggestions about what kind of books we will add. Generally adding books to the library is something that we already have planned and have started working on. We hope to implement this in the near future so keep an eye out for more interesting books to read!
Thank you for giving us such a detailed suggestion full of variety. We really appreciate it! <3
Take care and enjoy the rest of your day!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Allandrk
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Linked
Hiya @Zadanthalion!

I am pleased to let you know that this suggestion has been completed! We have since released two library expansions. Students can head to the Library to read books about our Magical Creatures and Wizarding Schools!

Thank you for making this suggestion and have a wonderful day!