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a quest that i think should be added

Marinette x Scoreey

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Marinette
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I think there should be a quest added explaining henry porter and lord Valdemar

it should be a little quest like you can see in the past about henry and valdemar fighting and it has a little storyline to it

in my opinion, it can be a really cool quest to add and can be very fun!


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hello there @Marinette x Scoreey !
Thank you for bringing this up to us. We are always looking for ways to improve and better the server, so any suggestions and feedback from players is very appreciated!
Unfortunately, we will be declining this specific suggestion. First of all, we would rather create our own Lore for the server, instead of copying the storyline from Harry Potter, as that is the direction we have been moving with our roleplay and everything. Furthermore we already have a quest with Valdemar and we think it might get a bit repetitive if we did another quest with him so we will not be doing that.
Take care and have a wonderful day!

Marinette x Scoreey

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Marinette
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Hello there @Marinette x Scoreey !
Thank you for bringing this up to us. We are always looking for ways to improve and better the server, so any suggestions and feedback from players is very appreciated!
Unfortunately, we will be declining this specific suggestion. First of all, we would rather create our own Lore for the server, instead of copying the storyline from Harry Potter, as that is the direction we have been moving with our roleplay and everything. Furthermore we already have a quest with Valdemar and we think it might get a bit repetitive if we did another quest with him so we will not be doing that.
Take care and have a wonderful day!
Ok all good you too :)