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A revival Spell


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Griffin Linked
I think a Revival Spell should be added to the game (From Defensive Spell tree by the way) like sometimes in games you would be able to revive your teammates before you're whole team loses like in the games for example of Harry potter the chamber of secrets gbc you are able to revive you're teammates with a revive potion but instead of a potion it's going to be a spell (You guys can name it what you want I don't want to try a ridiculous name from me right now lol XD) And the person revived should be healed depending on your gear and your glove and the duration of waiting time should be maybe 40, 30, or 20 (depending on how you guys feel how long the duration should be or maybe be like finite enchantum duration of 80 if you don't have max spell points and cool down of Defensive of Intelligence.) but they will still lose the percentage of gear they lost in combat even if you revived them so the game won't be to unfair and just keep the game balanced. And should have a option of *Go back to the last point of the city/town place you was at and you will end up there* or *Wait for a teammate to revive you* I think this idea would be a very good idea to atleast be able to have a revival skill instead of just being sent back to the closet city/town you are near at and would be really cool to see this function and the person has to be lying on the ground once there current health reaches to 0 and then should be able to get the 2 options from their. And to revive the person/teammate who's on the ground you have to aim at them to be able to revive then they should be able to be revived and get back on there feet. And that is all for the Revival spell or whatever you guys name it I really think it should be added and it would be very helpful for other's in the game. (And this the example of the game Harry potter and the chamber of secrets of revival potion but this 1 here will be a spell.)



Minecraft IGN: HektorTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I dont think thats a pretty good idea since this could be used in duelling which would be game breaking.


Minecraft IGN: HektorTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I think a good alternate function to a spell like this could be; you cast it on someone or yourself and if you are to take fatal damage in the next couple of seconds, you get a small health boost. Like the totem of undying in normal mc.
Yeah i think that would be a better solution than just comepletely reviving your friend!


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
Definitely not for dueling, only for doing quests or bosses with friends. In dueling it'd probably not be viable due to a long cast time, during which you could easily be killed. When fighting mobs, friends can shield you and block the mobs from reaching you so it's viable.

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Ello Tuna2!
Thank you for taking the time to write up a suggestion and thinking of ways to improve the server!
I will bring up your suggestion to the rest of the staff team, and from there, we’ll discuss about it and give you a response as soon as possible.
Have a lovely day!


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Griffin Linked
I dont think thats a pretty good idea since this could be used in duelling which would be game breaking.
Ok so maybe not dueling class due to healers spamming recovery defensive spells and all just what I meant by saying of doing it in dangerous quests and boss fights and other places where people can just lose their health at and be on the ground when their health is 0 Pretty much trying to say to maybe have a revive spell so you might be able to have a option to wait for someone to revive you or just go back to the close town/city you was and lose you're gear percentage their but maybe if this function were to be added to game just not allowed into dueling class as spells your not suppose to use because Healers would survive forever and would be more of a problem when it comes to teams and then their side would win because a Healer was spamming Revive and healing vulnamedius so maybe we can just agree just outside of classes because 1. You don't die anymore you stay where you are even if you die because staff made a change to that so you can't get kicked from class because of dieing. 2. We all know that Healers survive way longer then any other spell tree users and has very good defense spells. So maybe just we all could agree of leaving out the part "Everything" and just some parts of the game just as long it's not dueling class due to people who want to spam healing and has good healing gear and intelligence and just only you can only use that spell when your outside and exploring and boss fights but your still losing a percentage of gear even if you revive someone so the game won't be so broken as you say if not that then maybe a healing spell could make you survive fatal damage but I really think a revive spell function would be cool to add and the option to wait for a revive instead of just going back to where you was last at because this would make some players angry of the game and might not want to try again at it after hearing there gear broken and losing the place they was at for grinding or was at boss fight and was close to finish but lost. But their will be places you can't use revive: Dueling class due to Healers spamming Healing and defensive intelligence cast will be faster, Dueling arena also because sometimes their will be team fights and will end up in the same result of Dueling class teams spamming revive and healing might result into 1 team trying to get the Healer to be on their team and might be complaints and fights about not having the best healer on there side of the teams and Healers live longer then anyone else so it would be kind of pointless to try to be able to have that plus staff added a option to heal instead of having someone having to heal or just have to reset there selves and then walk or run back to the arena just for another fight or team battles, And other classes due to this another reason because staff added function where even students die they don't get kicked from class they instantly heal and they stay in class so they won't have any problems or professors and helpers being messaged "Hey why did I get kicked from class I died" Having to teleport them back and don't want to keep doing it or they might say "Sorry we can't bring you back because your dead or you are doing this on purpose to abuse dieing and having us to teleport you have a nice day with no ac's" So revive won't be added to classes plus you are instantly healed even if your health is at 0 so there won't be any problems anytime soon about reviving people in the classroom/lesson, And some quests that will not allow you to use your spells due to that sometimes you can't use revive for everything so the game won't be broken and got to complete the quest and try again if they die or just get teleported back to were they was if they was in a quest parkour for example. But I really think it's a good idea to add to the game and some places you can't use instead of people getting upset just because they are dying in a mmorpg game and having to pay up their gold just to be able to be a good player in dueling and fighting bosses in quests and just to be very careful when fighting mobs and dropping down not all players are pro and some might not be able to use resistomentum in time before they could take fall damage and lose a percentage of there gear piece plus I would like to see a revive function in action I think it would be pretty cool. Plus I'm tired of dying every time of getting overwhelmed of fight against players just because 1 or more of my teammates is fainted and I'm solo again 1v2 or more people who are still alive in the fight or mobs just because I can't recover in time and die and then lose a percentage of my gear and being sent back to a recover area and sometimes might lose my loot if I don't make it back to the same place I was at and have to pay my gold and I'm mad poor with money to even try to repair my gear at times and struggle to get a near gear piece because I refined my resources and buying recipes that's I have to do quests and riddles for on a daily basis every day just to try to get rich and maybe go from there but not really happening so far might take me a year to even do this and I don't want to be alone on the battlefield just because all my teammates got owned by other pro player's not everyone is careful in life and this mmorpg that nearly everything can take a percentage or a big chunk of gear if you die so maybe atleast to be able to have a revive spell ready if someone died to a mob or took too much fall damage or just can't heal there spell on time or don't know how to cure poison or fire and etc. Just trying to get my hopes up to atleast 1 day have my plan to be futured to the game to atleast leave a mark to the game instead of all my idea's being all declined because "It just won't work in the game that way" or "Or no we are not going to feature this idea ever because it will ruin the game experience for other players" So maybe atleast just 1 or a few idea's of mine to be accepted plus Would be nice to have a revival spell in the game because sometimes in mmorpg's you can revive other players and it would make you and your friends have a easier instead of just dying and having to wait for them to come and have to redo everything because they just died in combat and you wouldn't know how far they have to travel just to come back and reach you so that the reviving feature could save you some time instead of waiting for a couple of minutes or a hour because the far distance of where they was last are in a town/city place and to make mob fights and boss fight's a lot easier and a smoother time when it comes to combat not everyone in this game was born a fighter you know Because I know some people who doesn't know how to fight very well every time I ask them to come with me to a dueling tournament or the mini tournaments we had but they sadly have to decline because they don't know how to fight back that well not trying to say it has to be added to tournaments and classes and all just trying to say it would make everyone happy if their was a revival spell in the game so you could save everyone's time in the game and not wait a couple of minutes just because they died and your not allowed to revive in this game at all and you don't even know where they was lastly was at they could be very far away and take an hour or more until you might "maybe" for example have to get off the game because you have to go somewhere when all this whole time you could just had revived your teammates and continue on fighting the mob or boss fight because you can't pick the person who defeated the mobs loot because that would be considered stealing in this game so staff made it very impossible to pick someone's loot because it will disappear if they don't come pick it up and would be considered stealing so maybe this feature could be added to save wasting loot from mobs and save everyone's time and not have people upset and angry just because they died in 1 game and their is no reviving feature the only reviving feature is that your health reaches to 0 and you just end up somewhere else you know what is familiar to you at all so maybe have the option to "wait for someone to revive you" if that they can see you of where you died at of course or just go back to where which town/city you was near at last.
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Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hello again, @Tuna2!

I’d like to inform you that your suggestion has been accepted, as we felt this would make a good addition to the spell list. On Potterworld, you are more so passing out rather than dying, and we felt that there are definitely spells within the HP universe that are about bringing people back to consciousness. However, with this type of spell there will be many limitations to prevent it from becoming "overpowered" such as: long cooldown, long cast time, revives with little health, etc. (these are just examples and not confirmed). We are unsure of the details for this, but we do like the idea and will plan it for the future. Thank you for this suggestion and we hope you continue to make more in the future!

Have a nice day!


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Griffin Linked
Oh really? cool! :D It would really be nice to have a reviving spell and I can't wait to hear the name aswell. I will understand the circumstances so it won't be a too overpowered spell and yes I would prefer to be knocked out unconscious then going to the respawn area and losing 10% of my gear piece it would be nice to revive other's in combat because I don't like to see my friends and teammates dying in combat and I can't do anything at all as Healer to revive them. Thank you for accepting my idea I promise it will be put to good use in any situation! :D
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Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Griffin Linked
Well I guess instead the person being sent to respawn they have a choice to wait for a person to come revival them as there on the ground then the person has to look down at the person and revive them back on there As I'm trying to guess how staff going to use that function


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
Ok so maybe not dueling class due to healers spamming recovery defensive spells and all just what I meant by saying of doing it in dangerous quests and boss fights and other places where people can just lose their health at and be on the ground when their health is 0 Pretty much trying to say to maybe have a revive spell so you might be able to have a option to wait for someone to revive you or just go back to the close town/city you was and lose you're gear percentage their but maybe if this function were to be added to game just not allowed into dueling class as spells your not suppose to use because Healers would survive forever and would be more of a problem when it comes to teams and then their side would win because a Healer was spamming Revive and healing vulnamedius so maybe we can just agree just outside of classes because 1. You don't die anymore you stay where you are even if you die because staff made a change to that so you can't get kicked from class because of dieing. 2. We all know that Healers survive way longer then any other spell tree users and has very good defense spells. So maybe just we all could agree of leaving out the part "Everything" and just some parts of the game just as long it's not dueling class due to people who want to spam healing and has good healing gear and intelligence and just only you can only use that spell when your outside and exploring and boss fights but your still losing a percentage of gear even if you revive someone so the game won't be so broken as you say if not that then maybe a healing spell could make you survive fatal damage but I really think a revive spell function would be cool to add and the option to wait for a revive instead of just going back to where you was last at because this would make some players angry of the game and might not want to try again at it after hearing there gear broken and losing the place they was at for grinding or was at boss fight and was close to finish but lost. But their will be places you can't use revive: Dueling class due to Healers spamming Healing and defensive intelligence cast will be faster, Dueling arena also because sometimes their will be team fights and will end up in the same result of Dueling class teams spamming revive and healing might result into 1 team trying to get the Healer to be on their team and might be complaints and fights about not having the best healer on there side of the teams and Healers live longer then anyone else so it would be kind of pointless to try to be able to have that plus staff added a option to heal instead of having someone having to heal or just have to reset there selves and then walk or run back to the arena just for another fight or team battles, And other classes due to this another reason because staff added function where even students die they don't get kicked from class they instantly heal and they stay in class so they won't have any problems or professors and helpers being messaged "Hey why did I get kicked from class I died" Having to teleport them back and don't want to keep doing it or they might say "Sorry we can't bring you back because your dead or you are doing this on purpose to abuse dieing and having us to teleport you have a nice day with no ac's" So revive won't be added to classes plus you are instantly healed even if your health is at 0 so there won't be any problems anytime soon about reviving people in the classroom/lesson, And some quests that will not allow you to use your spells due to that sometimes you can't use revive for everything so the game won't be broken and got to complete the quest and try again if they die or just get teleported back to were they was if they was in a quest parkour for example. But I really think it's a good idea to add to the game and some places you can't use instead of people getting upset just because they are dying in a mmorpg game and having to pay up their gold just to be able to be a good player in dueling and fighting bosses in quests and just to be very careful when fighting mobs and dropping down not all players are pro and some might not be able to use resistomentum in time before they could take fall damage and lose a percentage of there gear piece plus I would like to see a revive function in action I think it would be pretty cool. Plus I'm tired of dying every time of getting overwhelmed of fight against players just because 1 or more of my teammates is fainted and I'm solo again 1v2 or more people who are still alive in the fight or mobs just because I can't recover in time and die and then lose a percentage of my gear and being sent back to a recover area and sometimes might lose my loot if I don't make it back to the same place I was at and have to pay my gold and I'm mad poor with money to even try to repair my gear at times and struggle to get a near gear piece because I refined my resources and buying recipes that's I have to do quests and riddles for on a daily basis every day just to try to get rich and maybe go from there but not really happening so far might take me a year to even do this and I don't want to be alone on the battlefield just because all my teammates got owned by other pro player's not everyone is careful in life and this mmorpg that nearly everything can take a percentage or a big chunk of gear if you die so maybe atleast to be able to have a revive spell ready if someone died to a mob or took too much fall damage or just can't heal there spell on time or don't know how to cure poison or fire and etc. Just trying to get my hopes up to atleast 1 day have my plan to be futured to the game to atleast leave a mark to the game instead of all my idea's being all declined because "It just won't work in the game that way" or "Or no we are not going to feature this idea ever because it will ruin the game experience for other players" So maybe atleast just 1 or a few idea's of mine to be accepted plus Would be nice to have a revival spell in the game because sometimes in mmorpg's you can revive other players and it would make you and your friends have a easier instead of just dying and having to wait for them to come and have to redo everything because they just died in combat and you wouldn't know how far they have to travel just to come back and reach you so that the reviving feature could save you some time instead of waiting for a couple of minutes or a hour because the far distance of where they was last are in a town/city place and to make mob fights and boss fight's a lot easier and a smoother time when it comes to combat not everyone in this game was born a fighter you know Because I know some people who doesn't know how to fight very well every time I ask them to come with me to a dueling tournament or the mini tournaments we had but they sadly have to decline because they don't know how to fight back that well not trying to say it has to be added to tournaments and classes and all just trying to say it would make everyone happy if their was a revival spell in the game so you could save everyone's time in the game and not wait a couple of minutes just because they died and your not allowed to revive in this game at all and you don't even know where they was lastly was at they could be very far away and take an hour or more until you might "maybe" for example have to get off the game because you have to go somewhere when all this whole time you could just had revived your teammates and continue on fighting the mob or boss fight because you can't pick the person who defeated the mobs loot because that would be considered stealing in this game so staff made it very impossible to pick someone's loot because it will disappear if they don't come pick it up and would be considered stealing so maybe this feature could be added to save wasting loot from mobs and save everyone's time and not have people upset and angry just because they died in 1 game and their is no reviving feature the only reviving feature is that your health reaches to 0 and you just end up somewhere else you know what is familiar to you at all so maybe have the option to "wait for someone to revive you" if that they can see you of where you died at of course or just go back to where which town/city you was near at last.
This hurt my eyes.

But I like the ideas that have been spoken here :D you've got some great ideas Tuna! keep 'em coming!

you are more so passing out rather than dying
Can we change it then so when you pass out - and regain consciousness, instead of it coming up in big red letters "YOU DIED" it could come up saying "You passed out!"


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Griffin Linked
Thx and yes It should change to "You have passed out" and then you should be able to choose your idea to wait for someone to revive you or go to respawn of the town/city and lose 10% gear percentage


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Griffin Linked
Ik this being under development right now but I thought now would be a good a time than later. For the mechanic since you need someone alive for this spell You need them to cast the revive spell on you (it's a maybe) the spell will only get cancelled if you die or you get hit while trying to revive someone with (or) heal someone instantly and they get back up from the ground with 1 health or full health depending on your gear in healing Idk if you guys are doing a different mechanic though this just my guessing sorry for the late timing just thought about this. And then other person get's to have an option of first the tag being "You passed out" instead of it saying "you have died" than you either lose 10% of your gear after revival or you lose it when you respawn in the last town/city you been to or wait for someone to revive you (you don't lose gear percentage in class so don't worry too much about the percentage). (Idk how to do text box in screenshots so don't blame me for this cartoony like pictures lol XD)



Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
Griffin Linked
Then again the bed animation of the person sleeping on it but on the ground is much better than what I'm currently showing lol XD


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Allandrk
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Linked
Hello @Tuna2!

Unfortunately we will now be declining this suggestion. A revival spell is not something we are interested in pursuing on the main world anymore, but we do have a rival spell implemented in our Gauntlet and Dungeon content.

Thank you for leaving this suggestion and have a wonderful day.