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A small suggestion for minigames


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I think it would be more efficient if the pop up messages for minigames went out in chat when theres 1 player missing in the queue. That makes it so the game will actually start if someone clicks the message, because of right now, the game starts either way, the people who join afterwards just add extras and do not help with starting the game. So lets say 5/6 players were in the queue, the message pops up and the person who clicks would join as 6th and the game will start. Also it would be cool if gauntlet/dungeons showed up messages as well.


Minecraft IGN: Ismoo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hii @_Navyy !

This suggestion has been accepted, as we think this is a good idea and will help further promote minigames! Dungeon and gauntlet queue messages will only be sent to people who have unlocked the game. We have set the queue messages to send every 60 seconds, so we will need to give it a few days and see how it settles to see if we need to up the time between messages if it becomes too spammy or if the wording needs to be changed. The general minigame message that is sent when a queue is 1 below the minimum amount is currently live now, and the dungeon/gauntlet message will be live after world restarts.

Thank you for this suggestion, and I hope you have a good day/night!