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A Suggestion for Adding Parkour Spells to PotterworldMC


Minecraft IGN: lividk
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Hello PotterworldMC team,

I am a huge fan of your Minecraft server and I love playing in the Wizarding World. I especially enjoy casting spells and exploring the different locations. However, I have a suggestion that I think would make your server even more fun and exciting: spells dedicated to parkour activities!

Parkour is a form of movement that involves jumping, climbing, running, and balancing on various obstacles. It is a great way to challenge oneself and improve one’s agility and coordination. I think it would be awesome if you could implement some spells that would enhance parkour gameplay on your server.

For example, you could have a spell that creates a temporary platform in mid-air that you can jump on or off from. This would allow you to reach higher places or cross gaps that are otherwise impossible. You could also have a spell that boosts your speed or jump height for a short duration. This would help you overcome difficult obstacles or escape from enemies faster.

Another idea is to have a spell that lets you stick to walls or ceilings for a brief moment. This would enable you to perform wall-runs or wall-jumps like a ninja. You could also have a spell that lets you glide in the air for a short distance. This would give you more control over your landing and prevent fall damage.

These are just some of my suggestions for parkour spells, but I’m sure you can come up with more creative and original ones. I think adding these spells would make your server more diverse and dynamic, as well as attract more players who enjoy parkour challenges.

Furthermore, these parkour spells could be used for various parkour activities around in the open world or in specific scenarios for quests and such. For instance, you could have some areas where you need to use parkour spells to access hidden secrets or treasures. You could also have some quests where you need to use parkour spells to evade pursuers or infiltrate enemy bases. These would add more variety and excitement to your gameplay and storylines.

Additionally, these parkour spells could also be used for housing, where people would build parkour courses and only these parkour spells would be enabled to prevent cheating. This would allow players to express their creativity and challenge their friends in custom-made parkour maps. You could also have some rewards or achievements for completing different levels of difficulty or complexity in these maps. This would encourage players to engage more with the housing feature and showcase their skills and talents with parkour spells.

Thank you for reading my letter and considering my suggestion. I hope you will implement parkour spells in the future updates of your server. I look forward to playing with them soon!



Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
a spell that creates a temporary platform in mid-air that you can jump on or off from.
Coughs coughs protego duo COUGHS
Anyway I like the idea of this, tho pw already has some of those. Some quests utilize the usage of several spells (I believe one of the rising healer quests is a great example for what you suggested here - the one where you're in a cave and there's 4 sections where you use a variety of mobility and utility spells to parkour and reach the goal). Also pw used to have the magic parkour courses (i forgot what they were called honestly), so those could make a return. Now about the spells, we already have tripudo, volo and things like that. Gliding spell could be cool I guess, it could be used as elytra, so it could be used not just for the course aspect, but also for exploring (broom alternative) or even dueling. Running on walls could be cool but I'm not sure it that spell fits in + we should get honey blocks in systems 2.0 i believe so yeah.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: EdenLovesMommy
Auralock Dark Follower Raven Linked
Coughs coughs protego duo COUGHS
Anyway I like the idea of this, tho pw already has some of those. Some quests utilize the usage of several spells (I believe one of the rising healer quests is a great example for what you suggested here - the one where you're in a cave and there's 4 sections where you use a variety of mobility and utility spells to parkour and reach the goal). Also pw used to have the magic parkour courses (i forgot what they were called honestly), so those could make a return. Now about the spells, we already have tripudo, volo and things like that. Gliding spell could be cool I guess, it could be used as elytra, so it could be used not just for the course aspect, but also for exploring (broom alternative) or even dueling. Running on walls could be cool but I'm not sure it that spell fits in + we should get honey blocks in systems 2.0 i believe so yeah.
A gliding spell would be dope in general


Assistant to Head of CM
Head Staff
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Assistant Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator WizNetworker SPEW Media Lead Drooble's Order Linked Store Lead Faerie
Hi @LiviDk,

Thanks for this parkour-related suggestion from you! Unfortunately, I'm here to relay that we will not be proceeding with this suggestion today. I can say that we do want to have magical elements in future parkours, and even greatly enjoy some of the ideas described in this suggestion, but we currently do not have any plans for additional mobility spells to go onto the player's wand. We would instead like to achieve the magical elements of parkour in other ways, rather than new spells. We like our spells to generally have multiple uses- such as for PVE, PVP, or other utility, and would not like to implement new spells solely for parkour.

Thank you for suggesting this though, and for raising the magical parkour possibility!