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Add an editable "Thanks for purchase" message to housing shop.

Micah Cresswell

Minecraft IGN: Hacim4
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf
So, I like to thank the people that buy from my shop, right? But it's sometimes a bit of a challenge if you're caught up with other things to pm them, and a lot of times you're offline when people buy stuff. So, I got an idea, what if you could have a "Thank you" message that you could edit? Then whenever someone buys something from your shop, the message that you set would just pop up in their chat!

Let me know what y'all think! :D


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
The staff will probably keep it as it is or if they do have spare dev time they'd make a list of predefined messages you could choose from. Otherwise it'd be another thing to moderate.


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Sr. Poltergeist
Hello @Micah Nox !

Thank you for creating this suggestion, we always appreciate players coming forward with ideas on how to make the server more fun! I'll be bringing this suggestion up to the rest of the Poltergeist team so we can discuss it more. Once a decision is made, I'll come back here and tell you, so keep an eye on the thread!

Thank you once again and I hope you have a nice day!

Micah Cresswell

Minecraft IGN: Hacim4
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf
Otherwise it'd be another thing to moderate.
Yes, but they already have messages for when a player comes to your housing, so I don’t think it would be that hard to moderate one more thing. Also, in my experience on Potterworld the people that play are really nice and I think that only a couple (If any) players would put anything bad.


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Sr. Poltergeist
Greetings, @Micah Nox !

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined because the Dev team, that would work on this, has a lot of higher priorities at the moment. Due to the recent resignations the team is smaller and it's important to prioritize the work, so we are declining this suggestion due to it receiving fairly little support from the playerbase and as it would be a very minor quality of life change. We may keep this idea in mind and look into it in the future, but that is not certain for now. We hope you understand our decision.

Regardless, thank you for this suggestion and we hope to see more from you in the future! I hope you have a lovely day!