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Add Dumbledore's grave


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: SpoopyBirb
Dark Follower Griffin Werewolf
I always thought that was a nice touch, and I the first day I came onto the server after the update I was a little sad to see it gone. It might be a little bit before they add it back though, as map updates are fairly scarce


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Wizencouncil Class Helper SPEW Sr. Prefect
Good day Matty,
I will now pass on your suggestion to the rest of the Poltergeist Team. We will share our opinions on this matter internally and let you know of our decision hopefully soon.
Thank you so much for submitting this suggestion!
Enjoy your day!


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Wizencouncil Class Helper SPEW Sr. Prefect
Heya @MattyPoltergeist,
We are very happy to inform you that this suggestion has been accepted! We loved your idea and this is something we would definitely like to add back to the map. Dumbledore's grave is an iconic and important location that plays a large part in the Harry Potter storyline and is therefore something we are sure many players would love to see.
Thank you again for suggesting this to us and make sure to keep an eye out for this addition in the future!
Best Regards,