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Add Helpful Info Holograms To Help Players In Quests


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
A few ideas on where info holograms can be useful and how to make the kitchen painting noticeable to new players.

Divination Quest
I've noticed that some players will usually ask about how to get past the brown leaf wall in the A Future Unforetold Divination Quest and wonder why they don't have the Lumen Asteus spell. I forget if the quest had information on when to use the Lumen Asteus spell or how to access it, but I figured that it would be interesting if there was a helpful hologram by the first Lumen Asteus wall notifying new players to use the spell and to access it by pressing their drop key or q.

^This is the Lumen Asteus wall and I took this image that a player posted in the Quest chat in Discord.
There could be a info hologram next to it saying "Cast the Lumen Asteus spell on this wall. Press "Q" or your drop key whilst your spell bar is open"

Charms Quest
Another Quest that can use an info hologram is the Feathers Afloat Charms quest. I've noticed players asking how to get the feathers in chat, so there's either no info on how to progress with that quest or they aren't reading the quest information. I forget if it mentions to use Leviomora on the blocks with wings in the quest info or if there's a hologram there.
The info hologram can mention "Cast Leviomora on the blocks with wings. Parkour on the books and blocks!"
Kitchen Painting

New players likely see this as just another painting on a wall, so I think that's one of the reasons why these new players get confused when they see the "Kitchen/Cellar" sign in the grand staircase, but can't find any other signs mentioning that there's a kitchen behind this painting.
  • This one doesn't need a hologram, but it could probably use purple particles around or on the painting just to get the player's attention and to nudge them to explore it a bit.
  • A second idea - I'm unsure if this was done before or I either remember it being done, but it doesn't seem to show up anymore and if it was removed then bring it back - but there could be a proximity message that pops up when a player is within the brown/grey wool rug. This proximity message can popup in the player's chat saying "Mmm, it really smells good down there." or "The elves are making my favorite dish today!" or anything related to food and being hungry.

If none of these seem necessary, then consider updating these quests with MORE hints and highlighting the information in each Quests so it can be helpful for new players.


Minecraft IGN: FlatJambo
Honeybadger Auralock
I think the holograms on the way would be great! Many people in chat are always asking about getting past that brown wall and other players can't teleport there to help them. A tutorial of some sort showing players how to use the spell would be very beneficial to new players.

Also, many quest directions are quite vague. The more specific the better and easier to complete.

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Ello, @Psycho!
Thank you for sharing your idea! I’ll bring up your suggestion to the staff team and have a discussion about it. I’ll send a response to you as soon as possible!
Have a nice day!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Hiya again, @Psycho! After some consideration, I am pleased to inform you that your suggestion has been accepted! Since we have already added a hologram to the A Future Unforetold quest, we will be adding a house elf next to the fruit painting on the first floor to hint to the location of the kitchens. We will also be working on a way to make the charms class quest easier to understand. These changes will occur soon, and I hope to see you continue to create more suggestion in the near future!
Hope you have a wonderful day!