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Add horns to the Unicorn mobs


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: ccoya
Griffin Phoenix
I definitely feel as though there should be horns on the Unicorn mobs because currently they are just horses, which defeats the whole purpose of it being a magical creature. Although the two are similar, the only feature on the Unicorn that distinguishes it from a horse is its horn.
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Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
They are just horses. It would either need to be a custom mob or the horn would only be visible to players with OptiFine. Although the resourcepack does have OptiFine only features, the staff isn't very keen on it and will make up excuses regarding the RP.


Minecraft IGN: Aglyn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design Arena Grandmaster SPEW Academics Advisor
Hello, @El!

This suggestion has been brought up in the past and declined therefore, this is a duplicated suggestion. You can find the original post here. However, I will explain in more detail as to why we cannot implement this.

Unfortunately, we are unable to add models onto Minecraft entities nor edit the vanilla models. If we were to implement something like this, we would have to make a completely new model. The mob plugin we currently use would only cause the unicorn model to be in a running mode at all times, as it is unable to swap between a moving and standing motion. Additionally, having to make this model completely stationary wouldn’t really be viable either as its legs would be unable to move at any time. Either way you cannot edit it regardless of whether it’s an optifine feature, since it’s a Minecraft feature that cannot be changed at all. As we are not a modded server and instead a plugin server, we’d rather avoid creating content that needs mods to use or see aspects of the server.

Nevertheless, thank you for your suggestion and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!