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Add Housing To /worlds


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
So the Housing server has been on the fritz lately and I noticed that people would usually ask if Housing is down because they likely aren't able to join it after trying to teleport to their house.

The idea here is to have a Housing icon in the /worlds GUI which shows similar information that's seen when a player hovers over World 1 or World 2.

Housing Icon in /worlds
  • The Useful Information section can list a few /housing commands.
  • And it would show Uptime, Restart time, Players, and Lag.
  • If possible, it would be nice if it showed if the Housing server is down and how long it has been down.
  • This Housing icon won't disappear like how there isn't a World 2 when there's less than 80 players on.
  • The Housing icon could be placed in 9th slot in the /worlds GUI.
  • It could also warp the player to their own housing or open up the /housing GUI
Another Idea
A separate idea could be to get a notification in chat that the Housing server is down if they try to connect to it. It could be a notification that appears in chat after it tries to connect the player for 30-seconds or more. I think this is the reason why players ask if Housing is down because there isn't a notification when the connection fails.
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Minecraft IGN: d3ci
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf
Hello there.

I brought this up to the team and, as the devs are working on a way to avoid long periods of unavailability of the housing system, we don't really find necessary to add an option to see /housing on /worlds, as we want to keep the gui simple as it is now. Thank you for the suggestion :)