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Add multiple purchase option to Event Items & Event Token Exchange


Minecraft IGN: GreatLordOz
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix
A few players have mentioned this before, but it would be nice to have a multiplier option (Similar to purchasing blocks from your house elf) for purchasing some event items. Anything purchasable like banners, event heads, gear item bags and such should have that multiplier option so you can easily buy multiple copies of those items.

Additionally, it would be nice to also have more options for trading in bulk event tokens for gold during the events instead of having to wait for the post-event auto-conversion of all tokens to gold. The current AC to gold menu would be a perfect example of how the event token exchange could be structured. It was a bit odd to see that there was a bulk Beskar to Star Token exchange during the May 2023 event but no option for bulk Star Token to gold exchanges.



Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator SPEW Store Manager Lead
Hi @GreatLordOz,

As you would've noticed in the release of the new Butterbrew event, we're happy to say this suggestion is now complete for both banners and heads! We loved the idea and are so happy to now see it implemented.

Thank you for the suggestion and as always, feel free to suggest even more!