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Add/Reskin NPCs to make them more alive?


Minecraft IGN: mn614
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Lore Master SPEW
Hello! While the walking NPCs throughout town streets do contribute to the world's generally active appearance, they can perhaps be perceived as a tiny bit generic or lifeless. While retexturing the walking characters might pose significant challenges, replacing the skins of (or simply adding more) stationary NPCs with more colorful or unconventional appearances would make a really fun addition to the world map. (Obviously, the quest character and Easter egg NPCs are astonishingly well-made, this suggestion is mainly in regards to those zombie-like people who roam the streets.) Of course, this would require a tremendous amount of work from Skin Arithmancers. To alleviate this challenge, perhaps competitions/auctions could be held regularly in which a set of excited players could have a chance to see versions of themselves meandering the streets as they explore Edgebrook? The player base holds an unlimited amount of creativity that, with the right opportunities, could manifest itself through cool opportunities such as unique characters appearing on the map. Again, this would take a huge amount of work from various teams, but I believe it would make for a more rewarding, exciting, and undeniably memorable player experience.


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Discord Moderator SPEW Game Designer Lead
Heya @mn614!

Thanks for coming to us with this feedback/suggestion! Your feedback is something that has been brought up in previous threads and we definitely agree with it. An official response on this feedback was given in this thread, but touching on the response given there, we are currently unable to do anything about the skins we have on the NPCs at the moment because of the version of Minecraft we use. However, once we update to a higher version, we will be able to change them and we plan to have different NPCs per town.

As for including player skins as NPCs, this is not something we would like to do, as all of the skins on our world need to be the Potterworld standard and style, and so all skins on the world will be made by our lovely Skin Arithmancers. Even though having player skins would make it easier, we do not want to sacrifice the quality and standard of our skins on the world for this. The Skin Arithmancer team is pretty quick at making skins, so when we are able to change the skins, we will do so!

Thank you once again! I hope this makes sense, and I'd love to see you leaving more feedback and suggestions on these forums in the future!