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Adding healthbars for party healers


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Xiloon_Galidom
I've played a lot of mmorpgs. And this server plays a lot like one. Most of the enemies have health bars so it's not out of place to ask the same thing be applied to players. My main concern with this is that players who build their stats around healing to be party healers in friend groups have no idea how low their party member's healthbars are. This could also be added to dueling, for the recording of how much damage players do to each other and how much health they have left. There's a ton of function this minor detail could have in the workings of the server. A server command could be added that can enable or disable it, so players are free to choose whether they want them or not.

I hope you take my idea into consideration when planning the next server update. If not, then i'm at least glad someone read this lol.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Motionic
Dark Follower Griffin Vampire
Hello @Xiloon_Galidom! Thank you so much for submitting this idea! We truly value players ideas on how to improve the server. I will bring up your suggestion with the other poltergeists and we will discuss it further. I will get back to you with our decision once it has been made. Have a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: morrgannn
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Hello! @Xiloon_Galidom

I am here to inform you that this suggestion has been accepted and is already being planned. We really liked this idea and found this to be incredibly useful. The health will become visible to everyone within the party, not just the party leader, so it’s fair and convenient for all players. We thank you for taking the time to create this suggestion.

Have a great day!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Heya @Xiloon_Galidom !

I'm happy to inform you that this suggestion has been completed with today's Party Update! You can now see all the party members' health in the scoreboard! You can read more about the Party Update here. We hope you enjoy the new changes.

Thank you for creating this suggestion and I hope you have a magical day!