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Addition of [item] to display items in chat.


Minecraft IGN: Volt4
Griffin Phoenix

Many servers I have played on in past have had a feature where if you say [item] (or [hand])in the chat, it will display the item you are holding in your message.

This is another server that has this feature. The item is displayed using [item]

(Just a note: I do not like the >> and << on either side)
Hovering over the chat message displays the lore and stats of the item.

Considering that Potterworld is, in general, an item based MMORPG, this seems like a great addition.

Here are some pros and cons that I've thought of:

  1. Allow players to easily display rare items they wish to sell in chat: Some items are so rare and expensive (eg. brooms, rare collectibles) that merely listing them in your shop doesn't cut it, being able to display the item in chat allows players to more easily market these items.
  2. Allow players to flex some new rare item or gear they have obtained: Sometimes you just want to flex that new piece of gear you just crafted for everyone to see.
  3. Allow players to more easily prove that they have the item they are selling: While this isn't really an issue, and there are other ways of doing it, being able to prove you have an item in a PM (or just show the person the stats of the item) is very useful and convenient.
  4. Asking what an item is used for: Especially with newer players, being able to just display the item in question in chat can make it easier for people to help them.
  1. Leaking of quest items: Not sure why this would be an issue, but just a thought.
  2. Spam: This could contribute to more spam, but I don't really think it will be an issue.
That's all I've got! Looking forward to the responses and suggestions!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Heya, @Volt!
Thank you for your suggestion! I’ll bring it over to the rest of the team, and I’ll have a response sent to you soon!
Hope you’re having a wonderful day!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Heya, @Volt!

Your suggestion has been accepted because this is something we like. However, there’s no ETA on when this will take place as there’s a few reasons that we need to figure out firstly. Thank you for creating this suggestion and I hope you continue to share more with us soon!

Have a lovely day!