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Aggressive mobs running away from you when you reach a certain level


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
I think instead of all Aggressive mobs always attacking you it should run away from you when your a higher level from it or reach a certain level that's it so scared that it wouldn't dare to try to hurt you unless you attack it first like a normal rpg game would be like if your stronger then any monster and have an attack advantage before the enemy attacks you first and make's thing's easier if you have to go afk and you have no place to hide or be a higher lever of surface like a tree for example then the mob to not get hurt from it.


Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator SPEW Store Manager Lead
Hi @Tuna2!

Thank you for bringing up this interesting proposal for mobs. Unfortunately the mechanics we use for our mobs (Mythic Mobs plugin) cannot read the level of a player as we use Potterworld custom tech for our levels. Therefore, establishing a relationship to impact the activity of mobs is not possible and is not something we will look to do in the future, and this suggestion is not something we will implement.

Nonetheless thank you for bringing up this idea for discussion, and we hope to see many more suggestions from you in the future!