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Allow access to the Roleplay Hub from any town

Should the Roleplay Hub be added to every town?

  • Yes! It will ease roleplay and get more people to do it.

  • No, it will take time to add and be of no use.

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Minecraft IGN: LordOfTheRiot
Dark Follower Griffin Linked
The title says it all. It would be great if we are able to access the new Roleplay Hub from any town. It can get quite expensive travelling to Hogsworth every time you want to do an unofficial roleplay, or visit the shop that is apparently coming soon.

This is why I suggest that the NPC is added to every town. For example, my warp is in Riddleyard as I am currently doing the quests surrounding it. I will have to pay for Floo, go to class and then warp to Hogsowrth, or use my broom to travel every time I want to visit it to find something new or visit the Roleplay locations.

This would be a great ease.

I am very excited about this hub and the future of roleplay because:

1) One of the NPCs in the hub said that the Dark Followers are not done, and will cease power from the Dark Followers some day in the future.

2) A Roleplay Shop coming soon? Sign me up!

3) It seems that the oil leak that happened in the courtroom during the Werewolf Rally Trial was not just to bring color to the event... there is a story surrounding it, and I hope we find out soon. Thanks to the NPCs for giving me this knowledge!

Overall, this hub is a great addition, but placing the warp in every town will make it even greater.


Minecraft IGN: Joshios
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I brought this up to someone, and they mentioned that the roleplay hub can teleport you back to the Great Hall, so I'm not sure how this would work if it was in other towns as well.

Joel Crestello

Minecraft IGN: Joelowo
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Hey @LordOfTheRiot, thank you for making this suggestion. We discussed your idea in the RP team and we really really liked it! This would definitely be really helpful, we'll be hoping to put an NPC of this type in every town to make it much easier for people to roleplay wherever they may be on the world map. We'll have to put some work into to it as you know the Madame Janette NPC only takes you back Great Hall.


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
As Joel has already stated, we will be looking into implementing this idea. As he also said, it would take some time and effort because we would have to create a system of being brought back to where you were previously so that it cannot be used as a free travel opportunity, as that would defeat the purpose of the rest of the travelling system.
Thank you for deciding to make this suggestion! As we really value player feedback and suggestions, we would definitely encourage you to use these forums more in the future!
Thanks again and have a great day!


Minecraft IGN: iSpitLikeALlama
Auralock Griffin Werewolf Linked
Great idea! Now that the dueling halls are in every town and they just tp you back to the place you warped from, this would be a great feature!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Hello @LordOfTheRiot and others that contributed to this thread!

I'm super happy to inform you that this suggestion has recently been completed and the changes are now live! Players can now access the Roleplay Hub via the Roleplay Hub NPCs in each town! They are situated next to a roleplay stand with the Roleplay Staff. We hope you like the addition!

Thank you again for making this suggestion and I hope you have a fantastic day!