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Apply Cast Time Red in 1v1 / Phoenix Base


Minecraft IGN: Frebii
Griffin Phoenix SPEW
Curse gear already the weakest gear but without the cast time red from your gear it makes it unplayable in /games 1v1 or Phoenix Bases.

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Heya @Frebii!

Thank you for creating this suggestion, as we're always looking for ways to improve the server and make it fun and fair for all players! At this time, I'll bring this suggestion up to the rest of the Poltergeist team for further discussion. After that, once a decision has been made by the Leadership team, I'll return to you with a response!

Have a great day!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Hello again @Frebii!

Apologies for the long wait! I'd like to inform you that this suggestion has been accepted. With the release of Talents, players can select having reduced cast-time in the Mediwizard category, which applies at any location. Also, gear should now be properly disabled in 1v1 arena These changes have been implemented as well, so feel free to check them out!

Thank you again for making this suggestion! Have a nice day!