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Arena 2023 Season 3 Releases


Greetings witches and wizards!

It's time for our Arena 2023 Season 3 Releases!

Arena Dueling Halls: We heard your feedback regarding some of our dueling arenas and have added some fun arenas to the Dueling Halls! We are continuing to work on adding more fun arenas, yet here are the ones we have currently implemented:
NEW - Submerged Arena
NEW - Space Arena

New Seasonal Challenge:
We have recently released a new Rafting seasonal challenge for the months of July and August. We decided to add this as we found that all of our seasons had a seasonal challenge except for Season 3. We thought this would be a fun addition to our Season 3 challenges. You will see both new and old maps that we have turned into Rafting maps! If you want to read more about this release, you are welcome to check it out here. We will be hosting a tournament within both July and August to celebrate this release!

Arena Protocol:
The Arena Team has added three new protocols to its rules. These new rules are:

- If a player disconnects without the intention of returning, the remaining team members have 2 minutes to find a replacement (with or without help from the Arena Team). If the remaining team members are not able to find a replacement within those 2 minutes, they will be kicked with appropriate rewards from the Challenge/Tournament.
- You may not forfeit your leaderboard place and receive the lesser rewards. You are allowed to completely withdraw from the tournament entirely. In order to do this, you must message the Lead Arena Master, Assistant to Head of Academics, or Head of Academics before the tournament ends.
- If you are caught leaving minigame tournaments in order to boost your tournament score, you will not be eligible to receive tournament rewards. (This is against Arena rules only. Not server rules.)

We have added these new protocols in our continuing efforts to ensure that your experience in challenges and tournaments remains consistent and fair at all times.

Arena Summer Changes:
The Arena Team has gone ahead and decorated the Arena Hubs with a Summery theme! Be sure to explore them as you attend and our challenges and tournaments.

Arena Discord Updates:
#Arena101: We will be posting more content relating to Counters, Healing, Gear, Flying, and Rafting soon! Additonally, we have added a new rafting emoji to celebrate our recent release.

Arena Token Shop: We will be rotating both our Token shop and Arena Score shop with our Mid-Season Update!

Arena Credits:
Aglyn, cxrlyTM, cxrzyTM, Creme_de_Creme, Ismoo, nikothepiko, TeknoPsycho, tqrpiar, xMye, zachmath15

Build Credits: 0ceqn, annebanane, Ardnassaz, AzazelAC, coldplanet, CraftyKanna, Etgar_, ForbiddenPlaces, JuJu1_0, Lbby, queenofspacerats, tiffanyphobia, tillquila, xFleur_

Banner Credits: Chillinessa and CrymsonTM

Render Credits: Prin_ce

And finally, we'd like to credit you guys! This update wouldn't have been possible without all your feedback. We hope you enjoy this release and we're looking forward to seeing you at our future challenges and tournaments!
