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August 2023 Quabbleball Tournament


Head of Academics
Head Staff
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Creme_de_Creme
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Head Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf DD Writer SPEW Drooble's Order Lead Linked

We had many great teams at last month's Quabbleball Tournament, but we would like to congratulate HarryPotters and cheddarsoup on winning August's Quabbleball Tournament!

Here are the results:
1st: :griffin:HarryPotters
1st: :serpent:cheddarsoup
2nd: :honeybadger:PandaRokstar
3rd: :griffin:Frebii
3rd: :honeybadger:lupustella

Click here to see the final leaderboard.

Congratulations to all participants, and we hope to see you later next month for our September Quabbleball Tournament!