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Aurora Borealis Store Releases

Greetings, witches and wizards! The Store team is thrilled to announce the Aurora Borealis Store Releases on this New Year's Day! This mesmerising release includes three new and beautiful items that will allow you to channel the northern lights in your magic. The items are as follows:
  • NEW The Aurora Staff: Cast with the powers of the Aurora Borealis when wielding this alluring staff!
  • NEW Pet Arctic Fox: Travel around with winter's most adorable pet - the Arctic Fox!
  • NEW Arctic Fox Guardian: Fight Dementares wherever you go with the power of this majestic fox!
    • Buying this Guardian also grants you access to the Pet Arctic Fox Guardian in /pets.
    • Additionally, to get the Animus Exto spell, you must complete the Guardian Challenge in-game (the pet will be available in /pets even if you do not have the spell). You can start the Guardian Challenge in the Headmaster's Office in Hogsworth.
For more information, visit the new releases section of our store! You can also view these items in the in-game store before purchasing them on our website or in the Potter Points store!



Minecraft IGN: TbhKate_
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