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Biography Plugin


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Wigche
Hello All,

Firstly I would like to apologize if this has been suggested previously, I did my best to look few the last few pages but didn't see anything matching.

Summary: A biography plugin that allows pronouns to be quickly checked, because I've noticed a lot of confusion between players and staff sometimes about a persons preferred pronouns.

Explanation/Description: Simple commands like /bio <ign> and /setbio <gender> <pronouns> eg: /setbio Male He/Him;They/Them

Reasoning on why this should be implemented or changed: I just think it would be a nice feature, especially now that a lot more LGBTQIA+ players are on the server, and since it's simple enough to code, I thought it would probably be semi-easy to implement.

The way I did it when I implemented one on my server, (not advertising), was I made a config with options that can be added, but its also easy to allow players to set their own custom bios. We only do it from a set list because we get a lot of trolls and homophobes that try to pull a goofy one two puncharoo.

Anyway, this is only a suggestion, just because I've noticed some interest in something like that, but of course it is up to yall. Have a great day!


Aspasia Le Fay

Minecraft IGN: ShatterdHeart
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Builder SPEW Arena Master Linked Faerie
I agree with this suggestion. It'll be easier for staff and players to check their pronouns instead of just assuming by the skin or username of the player.(y):heart:

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hi @Devin_Laroux!

Thank you for taking the time and consideration in making your suggestion, as we are always looking for ways to improve the server and make it enjoyable for all players! I will bring your suggestion up to the rest of the staff team to further discuss it. Once a decision is made, I will return to you with a response, so keep an eye out!

Have a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: KipxSateee
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven SPEW Linked
Hii @Devin_Laroux and everyone who responded to this thread!

Thanks for bringing this suggestion to our attention through our forums! We understand the reasoning behind the idea and I am here with an official response. This suggestion is something that was considered by the leadership team. Unfortunately, we decided that we will not be accepting this suggestion and in this response, I hope to clarify why.

We understand that the goal of this suggestion is to be inclusive and that is what we want to do as far as possible on Potterworld, but this would be a large change and it is almost inevitable that people will misuse something like this. Many people take gender and pronouns very seriously, and they could get offended at the misuse of such a system. As Potterworld prides itself on being an escape for many people we try our best to not compromise that. There is no way for us to tell how many people would end up misusing something like this or go about protecting the community in the instance of this behaviour. Therefore, we do not want to risk this type of thing happening.

We also recognise that there are so many ways that a person can identify and it would be impossible for us to represent them all. Implementing a few of the different gender pronouns would mean that people could likely feel excluded because (of the way that) their form of gender identification and expression is (not) represented. This is something we want to avoid as far as possible.

We also feel that this proposed system might not be used that often. This is because players might use other players' names or neutral pronouns when addressing or talking to someone instead or they have asked that player their preferred pronouns previously. Additionally, wrong pronouns can usually be resolved with an apology, as using them wrong is usually not malicious. We also take into consideration that it might also cause problems because some might expect others to always check their pronouns and if this is not the case this might offend them. This is also something we want to avoid. We hope that you understand our decision in that regard.

A similar idea was also proposed for Discord. For more details, we also want to link this thread which goes more into detail about the response from the team. While we will not implement this we want to express that this decision was not made lightly. If you have questions, comments or concerns about this response please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you once again! :)