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Bring back Baby Yoda

Do you want Baby Yoda back in the potter world store?

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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Fleur
Phoenix Raven SPEW
Dear Droobledore,

On behalf of the Potterworld community, I am posting this thread in the hopes that you will consider bringing Baby Yoda back to the store. No longer will I sit in silence as players walk past me with their adorable Baby Yodas by their sides. I NEED to have one to love and call my own.

AND I'm not the only one that needs a Baby Yoda in their life. If you also feel personally victimised by the absence of Baby Yoda from the store, please use the attached poll to show Droobles how passionate you are.

Yours sincerely,
Fleur Delacour

Phoenix Order
Beauxbatons Graduate
IGN: Fleur


Minecraft IGN: YeetChris
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Class Helper SPEW

I’m an avid fan of baby yoda, I can see the struggle you face on the server and I am so sorry you missed out during the month of May. I wish I could tell you that baby yoda will be returning to the potterworld store near you but I can’t. I know other fandom items are on the shop 24/7 and I wish baby yoda could be on the shop right now but I don’t think it’ll be added. Since it’s something to do with Star Wars I think it’ll be only on the shop during May. Maybe this will change in the future but I don’t know 🤷‍♀️

- Chrissy

( I’m sorry, ily girly! )