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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: RainTM
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Builder
I heard from some old people that the survival was very good, I myself hadn't got the chance to play on it sadly. So why not bring it back? Could be pretty hard with all the plugins that need to be changed tho. And it could be made pretty exclusive like maybe you have to pay 20k or 40k to play on it. So you have to play a lot on the main server and not immediately have access to the survival.
Thanks for reading this :)


Minecraft IGN: nathan1e
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
As much as I would love to see this and as much as I agree with you, I'm pretty sure this suggestion will inevitably lead to some staff member answering with "survival was not the success we had hoped for, and right now bringing back survival would simply not fit within the plans we currently have for the server". So I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen.

It's sad though, when they closed it down they promised they'd be able to do something with the server that would be better than survival but it's been 4 years now and I'm still waiting.


Minecraft IGN: Scoobydoolego
I personally would love to have survival come back. It was by far my favorite part of the server, and I spent countless hours enjoying it. However, as Nathan said, the staff has said for a long time that they will not bring it back. As much as I would love to have survival return, I'm not going to get my hopes up. I also agree with Nathan's statement that he is waiting for something to make up for it. Hopefully, the Revelius Update will do so.

Joel Crestello

Minecraft IGN: Joelowo
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I'm pretty sure, alongside with the Revelius Update, the server is taking a direction into more of an RPG theme. I do not see survival returning anytime soon or anytime at all. Also, the idea of having to pay to play on it is just - not a good idea: putting a whole gamemode away behind a price that is absurdly high is just not good game design.


Minecraft IGN: lividk
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Hello Rain!

Thank you for your suggestion! We're glad that you wanted to share your idea with us.
I'll talk to the Poltergeist team about this and then I will get back to you as soon as possible!

Stay safe,
// Leyak


Head of Technology
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: Alexstrasza14
Staff Head Staff Phoenix Raven Werewolf SPEW
As a quick explanation as to why Survival was originally removed. In the end, Survival costs a lot of resources in terms of staff (especially, build staff and developers) and server capacity. With the focus shifting more and more towards Revelius (though it did not have that name back then), Survival was discontinued to clear up resources so we could actually fully focus on the update and on improving Potterworld in other ways.


Minecraft IGN: lividk
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW

As @Alexis_Carstairs said, the Survival world required a lot of resources from us, as well as we want the server to go over to a more MMO-RPG gameplay instead of a survival based server - so unfortunately this will not be readded again. Thanks for your suggestion!!

// Leyak