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Broom Components


Minecraft IGN: heyitslena
Staff Potterwatch Streamer Raven Master Arithmancer Linked Faerie
So, I know the Broom update is recent so I'm sure there's more tweaking to done, but I really think the drop rate for the Broom Components need to be higher. Either that, or maybe we can just craft them? I don't know what to do with the extra crafting ingredients I had that would normally go to recipes. Apparently, I could trade them in for broom components, but I don't have enough and mobs don't drop the ingredients, like Twigs, Wool, Ruby, Bronze, etc.. Maybe I'm missing something, I don't know, the update wasn't very clear with what is going on with brooms. Anyway, I thought I'd suggest a higher drop rate for the components because spending an hour or more to only get 2-3 components and some even duplicates is crazy. Thought, I do appreciate the XP I get, I just don't wanna be spending all day trying to get one component I need.

dani !

Minecraft IGN: jisunize
Honeybadger Phoenix Vampire SPEW Linked
mobs no longer drop ingredients such as twigs, wool, ruby, etc. as a part of the last update to brooms! the feature of trading in those drops was implemented for the people who had stacks of them saved up for broom/gear recipe crafting as a way to easily convert them into the new broom parts!


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
To add onto that ^^^

With the update, you need the new broom components to craft brooms and the old ones are no longer available. As dani said, the conversion you are talking about is for those players who had saved up stacks of ingredients for the old broom system, not the actual way of obtaining broom components.
You can now craft brooms at broom vendors. Here's an overview of all the materials you need and how to obtain them:

Briskbranch: Elm Handle, Bronze Footholds, Silk Handlewraps, Rope Bristles (from mobs level 31-40)
+ Briskbranch recipe + 550 gold
Note: You get a free Briskbranch in the last year 3 quest

Solarsweep 100: Walnut Handle, Brass Footholds, Fur Handlewraps, Stick Bristles (from mobs level 41-50)
+ Briskbranch + Solarsweep 100 recipe + 1375 gold

Apollo 5000: Yew Handle, Silver Footholds, Wool Handlewraps, Vine Bristles (from mobs level 51-60)
+ Solarsweep 100 + Apollo 5000 recipe + 2750 gold

Scarlet Nebulas 2000: Rowan Handle, Gold Footholds, Cotton Handlewraps, Twig Bristles (from mobs level 61-70)
+ Apollo 5000 + Scarlet Nebulas Recipe + 5500 gold

Thunderflash: Elder Handle, Iron Footholds, Leather Handlewraps, Straw Bristles (from mobs level 71-80)
+ Scarlet Nebulas 2000 + Thunderflash Recipe + 11000 gold

Obtaining the required items:
As I noted in the specific broom sections, you can obtain all the actual materials from different levels of mob drops.
You can obtain random broom recipes from all mobs level 30+, which you can then open to get one of the broom recipes randomly. This means that you can get a thunderflash recipe from a random broom recipe obtained by killing a level 31 mob.

I hope that explains the new system adequately. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask here :)

With the explanation, do you think the broom component drop rate is still too low or has your suggestion been resolved through this explanation?


Minecraft IGN: heyitslena
Staff Potterwatch Streamer Raven Master Arithmancer Linked Faerie
Hi, I appreciate the overview of each broom that's very helpful, but yeah, I think the drop rate is way too low. I could be grinding for 30mins and only get like 2 parts I need or duplicates. Sometimes mobs don't drop anything at all. It would be cool if the drop rate increased.

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hiya @heyitslena!

Thank you for making this suggestion, as we're always searching for ways to improve the server and make it fun and fair for all players! I will bring up this suggestion to the other members of the Poltergeist team and go into discussion. Once it's been brought up to the Leadership team and a decision has been made, I will return to you with a response!

Have a good day!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Aloha @heyitslena!

I'd like to thank you again for making this suggestion and sharing it with us! I've returned to inform you that this suggestion has been declined, as we do not think increasing the drop rate would be necessary. Brooms are supposed to and currently are difficult to obtain, where changing this would devalue both the brooms and the components, which is not something we envision.

Despite this, we hope that you'll create more suggestions or feedback in the near future! Have a nice day!