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Broom Recipes


Minecraft IGN: TheVirgoKid101
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
I have a lot of broom recipes, and nobody will buy them. I already have all the brooms I need, too. I'm just wondering when the broom vendor will return, bc I have no idea what to do with all these recipes.


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Heya @Yellow_Flower !

Thank you for bringing up this suggestion! I'm happy to say that this suggestion has been accepted, as we do want to bring back the broom recipe vendor. The vendor was disabled temporarily while we investigated some issues with it, and we hope we can bring it back in the near future for players to use.

Thank you once again for your suggestion and I hope you have a magical day!:serpent:


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Discord Moderator SPEW Game Designer Lead
Heya @Yellow_Flower!

Since posting this decision, we have unfortunately decided to remove the broom seller NPC from the game for the foreseeable future. We originally wanted to add it back, but we ran into some persistent issues backend when looking into it further, meaning we are now unable to do so. This decision was thought about carefully by GD leadership and many factors were considered. We hope you understand our reasoning! If you have any questions about this decision, you're welcome to reach out to a member of the GD leadership team.