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Builders Appreciation Feature


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Ash10744
Hi, just want to leave a small suggestion that I feel would be an amazing feature.

I truly love the builds of the Potterworld Server they are fantastic and have so much passion, and I think people who enjoy the builds as much as I, should have a chance to see past builds from events also.

So the idea I had was maybe a museum or a viewing gallery where we can look through a window or even teleport to an event area and view the past builds without the event quests etc.

It'd allow us to appreciate all the hard work everyone is doing and view the past experiences. Obviously, this can be changed in any way but I'd love to explore even more on the server!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Hi @Ash10744 !

Thank you for creating this suggestion! Unfortunately, this idea is a duplicate to two other suggestions. The first one being this one and the second one. Both of the suggestions got declined unfortunately, because we don't want to add traveling to old builds without all the content and gameplay they used to have, as we feel it wouldn't be too interesting. Some of the old builds do get reused/brought back for events, so we suggest keeping an eye on that! Feel free to check out the original threads for more detail.

Regardless, thank you for taking the time to create this suggestion and we wish to see more from you in the future! Have a lovely day!