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Department of international Co-operation.


Minecraft IGN: Zis_Craft
Dark Follower Raven SPEW
I've noticed that we don't get the chance to access the different wizarding schools from around the world ( Japan, France,... ). However I do think it'd be a good idea to make them accessible for players outside of Xmas events. They're truly amazing builds and it's a shame for some players who could be on the server for a year now and yet they still didn't get the opportunity to wonder around these magical places.
A good way to implement that in-game could be through the international co-operation department from the Ministry of Magic. As we know, that department is the one organizing the triwizard cup and much more. It could make sense to have offices for each school with direct access to them. The interior of these office could refer to the designs of each school. So many options offered to the imagination of the build team.
As of right now we could have offices for Beauxbatons, dormunstrad, Castelobruxo, Hogwarts and Mahoutokoro ( forgive me for the wrong lore ).
Thank you for taking this into consideration.


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello hello @Zis_Craft!!

Thank you for making this suggestion! This is a super creative idea that would be interesting to see implemented. I will bring your idea up with the team and we will have a discussion. Once a decision has been made I will let you know so make sure to watch this thread! Thank you again and I hope you have a magical day!


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello @Zis_Craft!

Thank you again for this suggestion and I apologize for the delayed response. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. We like the idea of being able to revisit locations and appreciate the work that has gone into the builds, however, it should be done when it makes sense and ties to an event or a gameplay update. We think that if these builds were to be released without any content, they would be rather boring without any quests and the atmosphere that the events originally provided. Although, sometimes past builds have been reused for events.

Thank you again for this suggestion and have a wonderful day!!