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Buying Friends


Minecraft IGN: daance
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW
Hi y'all! I've brought up this idea to the rest of the Poltergeist team. We'll get back to you after we've come to a mutual decision 🤍


Minecraft IGN: YeetChris
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Class Helper SPEW
Okay, I laughed when I saw " buying friends " I was like MOOOD but I do agree the limit should be increased if can, as some people always have to remove one friend to add another and I know from personal experience, that makes me sad. Why can't I just add all my buddies? BUT I'm not sure if buying more slots is the right thing to do.


Minecraft IGN: daance
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW

There have been plans to increase the player limit - but after discussing this we don't think it should be a purchasable perk. We believe this is something that everyone should have an equal opportunity to have - and we also want our store to be focused on cosmetic items. Also, this would probably have issues with the EULA.

Thank you for the suggestions, as always - please keep them coming! (‍: