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cant login for whatever reason

i am using version 1.13 and on java edition. it says connection timed out: no further information: and that doesn't really tell me much.

edit: i assume this server is hosted in the US and i am in Finland, so if regional differences matter i guess this'll help.

aaron ♡

Minecraft IGN: Aarooncia
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Vampire Werewolf
Your location shouldn’t be an issue, I personally don’t recommend logging in on 1.13.2 simply because I prefer 1.12.2, but I do know some players have had issues logging into 1.13.2 in the past, have you tried logging into the server with 1.12.2 or a lower version? If that does not work, please make sure you have no additional unallowed addons or mods other than Optifine and Labymod. If that still doesn’t work, maybe send a screenshot of the error it’s giving you or make a ticket on the website or Discord.