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CE Event


Minecraft IGN: Prin_ce
Dark Follower Staff Serpent Werewolf Linked
Hi, I decided to write a little feedback, not really about the event itself. I missed the first one, so I decided to join the second one which is in the middle of the night for me. I really enjoyed the CE event last time, so I woke up to the alarm and logged on.

Now to the important part. There were many people in chat asking about how the event is going to work, and they were told by staff a queue is going to pop up. Others, which probably already been to one, like me, were left puzzeled. But ok, it may have changed, so I patiently waited for the queue. Went to discord, no info there, tried to ask in the global in game, still nothing. Minutes passed, more questions. Then I noticed a courtyard VC filling up, so I joined, saw the stream, went to the housing. But long story short, I was too late, I had no book, I went back to world, brought the book, but had no one to trade it with, as it was too late.

I honestly did not think about checking the housings before, because the last event was in the world. I also could have asked before, but I tought I will find some annoucement in the chat in game.

My point being, maybe more info on discord, or in game could help people, who would like to join the CE event get there in time, in the future. Also staff (not just Inquisitors) should know about the events, or at least how they work/where will they take place/who to msg for more info, so they can direct people even, when the Inquisitors don’t have time for that anymore. I also went back to the original announcment, about the event, on the site, but there was no info about the location, just the time and date of the event, When the location is known, it could be also added to the site so people can check it.



Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
Hey there! Thank you so so much for your feedback on today's CE. We really appreciate it!

I'm going to bring your suggestions to the team and we will discuss them and work to incorporate them into future CE's, thank you again!

And I'm really sorry you weren't able to get a book, I do have something in plan for those who weren't able to get their books, I will contact you over discord when we have that idea set in stone <3


Minecraft IGN: Pennox__
Serpent Linked
I attended yesterday’s Community Engagement event, which was my first and I must agree that there was a lot of confusion around what to do, where to go, whether it was necessary to be in the vc etc.

I’m going off the bat with little knowledge on how these CE’s work - I’m not sure entirely if they’re usually at Inquisitors’ housing, but if that is the case then they should be hosted like a class so a “CLICK HERE” appears in chat so that everyone can be transported and muted during the intro so it can be explained without getting lost in translation and a Helper can be on the server while the host is on vc explaining what to do.

Lastly, I think it’ll be beneficial to provide enough information on each website post regarding what to do during the scheduled CE’s so it helps everyone in advance on how to participate as there are multiple new members joining everyday and explaining in chat when 250+ people are online at the same time can also get lost.

Other than that, it was very fun and well done putting the event together :)
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Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
Hia! Thank you very much for taking the time to leave feedback on the most recent Community Engagement! It's really helpful to the Inquisitor team, as they get to see what players have specific feedback and suggestions for.

We agree with the fact that it should be more well broadcasted, as well as easier for players to find Community Engagements. From now on, the Inquisitors will be hosting Community Engagements in classes. This will also be visible on the Discord in #class-updates and will be broadcasted in game, which should make it much easier for players to know what is going on. Because of the above, we will be accepting this suggestion! Once again, thank you for your feedback!