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Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
Hello all! Thank you for all the feedback submitted and we are sorry for taking so long to respond.

With the times picked for CEs, unfortunately, we can only host these at certain times that also work for our Inquisitorial squad as we don't want to interfere with academic classes and we can only host when the inquisitors are available. However, we have always and will continue to strive to try to pick times that work for every time zone.

We currently put some collectables in each CE to keep as a memory for that specific event. We see that there have been concerns around the number of collectables in each CE and have worked to reduce this. CEs have had fewer collectables from April onwards, and these collectables will not be tradeable.

CE's are only little events that players can attend that can be completed in a short amount of time. To increase interactions between players in CEs we will try to focus our activities in future CEs to having more working-together type interactions and puzzle-type scenarios. We do often put players into vanish in CEs due to lag or visibility issues when the majority of players are asking for it. To not do this in the future we would have to either lower the number of players that can attend the CE, or conduct a vote to be put in vanish in certain areas or not. We worry that both of these ideas would instead limit the number of attendees or the amount of time spent playing the CE. Currently, we normally unvanish everyone in the last 10 minutes of activities to interact with one another and take screenshots.

Every player has their own reason for attending CEs. Some want the collectables which is completely fine, some like the activities, some want to get together with their friends and it's each to their own. No matter the player or collectable count, we love to host CEs as we love bringing the players together. For collectables, we put them there as it's nice to have something to remind a player that they were there during that CE, and will continue this trend in a lesser amount for the future.

We always unmute the chat after we explain what's happening for players to chat with one another. When we do have photobooths, we often see players also taking screenshots with one another. We also normally take one group shot at the end of the CE. We can't force players to chat in chat channels or work together as some players are shy so we try to take into account all players in activities so it's an enjoyable experience for all.

We will continue to not have control over teams for team activities as it this way as it furthers the point of being able to work with new players that you don't talk to. Players can always chat in the CE chat or message certain members on their team to work together on what to collect and what to focus on, etc, and this has worked in the past. We make the teams randomly and each team always has a chance at winning as the team activities utilise general knowledge or simple activities that are required to complete.

To reference the Affirmation Books CE, we agree that idea is fun. However, it can get very unorganised very quickly, and in that CE we did have the housing server significantly lag. Since that CE we have far more players attending our CEs, so it would be extremely difficult to do that sort of activity again. However, we are definitely taking that feedback into consideration and try to have more activities where you need to work with a certain amount of players to complete or try to encourage player interaction in chat!

Again, thank you all for your feedback and we apologise if there is less enjoyment in our CEs. We do try to take into account everyone's taste and try to look for a balance there. Thanks to everyone for providing their feedback here, both on Discord and this forum, and we'll keep all in mind moving forwards in both Community Engagement events and other gameplay on the server.