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Centre the Bridge in the Swamp Housing Scenery


Minecraft IGN: Buttery_Flapjack
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Poltergeist Linked
Hello @MattyPoltergeist,

I am happy to inform you that your suggestion has been approved and will be worked on in the coming weeks! We agree that the bridge should be centered and the team hopes to update the scenery with a newly centered bridge.

Thank you so much for submitting your feedback!


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
Hello @MattyPoltergeist,

I am happy to inform you that your suggestion has been approved and will be worked on in the coming weeks! We agree that the bridge should be centered and the team hopes to update the scenery with a newly centered bridge.

Thank you so much for submitting your feedback!
omg aviva really joined the poltergeist team just to accept my suggestion :oops::giggle: