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Change speed of old brooms


Minecraft IGN: TheVirgoKid101
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
So the old brooms are rare and stuff, but probably arent AS wanted bc their slower compared to the newer brooms. So fireflash is the best old broom, and it is only 14m/s, which is the same speed as an apollo. I think a fireflash should be faster then a thunderflash so it's more wanted, and it has a unique speed.

dani !

Minecraft IGN: jisunize
Honeybadger Phoenix Vampire SPEW Linked
because the older brooms aren't able to be acquired, besides trading and buying them from players who have them, i don't think there is a necessity to make them faster. current and newer players will be looking to get brooms from the current selection (the ones available through recipes), and there isn't a need factor to get the old brooms unless you're interested in collecting them. imo, making out-of-use brooms faster doesn't really make sense!


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
Making the fireflash the best broom would greatly decrease the desire for anyone with it to spend the time upgrading to the newer nicer looking and more fleshed out brooms. It would also make old fireflash owners who HAVE advanced to the thunderflash possibly feel annoyed due to the time they spent crafting their new broom. Though it would add a level of appreciation for old players and maybe add another factor to trade and economy, I just think that it would be focussing too much on the past rather than looking into the future. By the way, this is coming from a player who personally only has a fireflash (and not a thunderflash) and though I don't think it's an awful idea, I do not think it's the right way to go.


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW Linked
Hey @Yellow_Flower!!

Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion. We always appreciate your ideas and feedback to help improve the server. Unfortunately, we have made the decision to decline your suggestion. We don't want to adjust the speeds of old brooms that are no longer attainable. Additionally, the Fire Flash is more of a relic and a courtesy for older players so if the speeds were changed for these brooms, they would be inaccessible to a majority of the player base.

We hope you understand why this decision was made, but please let us know if you have any questions! Thank you again and have an amazing day <3