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Change the Boomslang Mob Coordinates to (4075, 30, 3400)


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
Where is the Hogsend Cave?
I've seen this question asked quite a lot on the server and it's a required location for one of the 2nd or 3rd Year quests (I forget).
When players are asked to find the Boomslangs, they are most likely to know how to use /map and look for the Boomslangs on the coordinates provided which is (4116, 18, 3402). Players are likely looking at the X and Z coordinates but once they reach that area they aren't able to find the Boomslangs because it's an open street area in Hogsend. So they end up confused and ask the question, "Where is the Hogsend Cave?".

Suggestion is to edit the Boomslang mob coordinates on the map to (4075, 30, 3400).
These coordinates lead to the opening of the Hogsend Caves where the Boomslang mobs are located.
The coordinates to the entrance of the cave reduces the confusion for the player searching for Boomslang mobs.


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Discord Moderator SPEW Game Designer Lead
Hey Psycho!!

Thanks so much for making this suggestion! I really like seeing all the ideas that are brought up on the forums. It's great to see that players have so many interesting and unique ideas about the server and are willing to share them with us. Moving on to your suggestion, we like this idea and will be accepting it! We understand that a lot of players do get confused by the coordinates for the boomslangs as it currently is, and we would really like to clear up this confusion for future. We hope that we will be able to implement this soon, so keep your eye out for it!