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Change the rule regarding approved mods.

Should they change the rule?

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  • No

  • Unsure

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Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
I am immensely in favor of this suggestion. I think it's important that there is clarity between the staff team and players, y'know? I hope this is elaborated upon!


Assistant to Head of CM
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Assistant Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator WizNetworker SPEW Media Lead Linked Store Lead Faerie
Hello Magma, and everyone else who has replied to this thread.

There's a lot to unpack here, so this response will be a bit long. We'd first like to apologise for the length of time it has taken to get back to this decision; we've been taking the time to increase our lists of Allowed and Blacklisted modified clients since this forum post was first submitted, and know we have fixed a lot of the concerns brought up in this thread.

First off, looking at the original suggestion: switching any modifications that are not on our allowed or blacklisted sites to be 'use at your own risk'. We have decided against this suggestion, as we believe our rules are clear that any client not explicitly listed under the allowed mods is not allowed on the server. We give players the chance to change their client when using certain less-severe clients on our server, and the permanent ban is well deserved for those who decide to use hacks to cheat on our server. We would love to continually update our modified clients lists to provide more clarity for players- anybody who has a mod they do not see on either list and think should be allowed, is more than welcome to create a support ticket on our website here. Introducing an 'at your own risk' category would not be beneficial in the long run to us expanding our modified clients lists.

The second original suggestion asks that if we have modifications that have portions allowed and portions blacklisted, we should work to disable the parts that are blacklisted, so that overall the modification can be used. In the moderation team, we completely agree. It's what we have already done with LabyMod, and it's what we wish to do with Badlion Client and future modifications.

For the modified clients list being continually updated: we agree, and have been continuing to complete this over the year. Each time we have allowed a specific client, or blacklisted one, we have specifically added it to our rules for clarity. Additionally, we found that some players were confused by us having broad categories for blacklisted clients. Where we have seen fit, we have been more specific in these categories to outline to players what they are and aren't allowed to use.

We apologise for any confusions regarding the Dynamic Surroundings mod- it took us a while to form a set response here, but this modification has been on our Allowed clients list for over four months now, along with Dynamic Sounds. Using both Dynamic Surroundings and Dynamic Sounds on our server are officially completely okay to use.

We'd also like to apologise for the confusions with LabyMod. When we allowed this client, we were under the impression that all blacklisted features except the voice chat were disabled- something that we later realised was incorrect. We have since worked to fix this and completely disable the addon, which is why there were original confusions around if it was allowed (a bug). To clarify, the LabyMod minimap is completely blacklisted, and nobody can enter the server with it on.

FPS-enhancers, HUD-enhancers, and music mods are just as they seem; sole mods that improve FPS, allow customisation of the HUD, or play music. If anyone is confused about a modification that, for example, customises the HUD along with some features they are unsure of, they can submit a support ticket and we can specifically look into the modification. Quite honestly, there are too many for us to provide specific allowed and blacklisted examples without the demand for them. If anybody inquires, we are happy to help.

As for the point about Macros and Keybinds. These apply to any additions to a computer software. Changing keybinds on a mouse or keyboard are fine; it's something we can't punish for. However, we shouldn't have players using any macros, keybinds, or autoclicker modifications or addons to minecraft.

Additionally, we have now added Phosphor to our Allowed mods list.

We’d like to thank everyone for their input to this thread, and hope that the changes we have made since this post was made will improve modified client clarification. As I’ve said above, if there is a client anyone wants to specifically inquire about, they can create a support ticket on our website here.
- Prefect Leadership Team