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Chat Redirect Reminder Broadcast


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Sinelius
A lot of new players seem to not know that there are different chats besides global.
For now there is no automation regarding that problem but my suggestion for now is to make a broadcast that would tell them every now and then to use appropriate chats.
For example (a crude one but it can be better): "Need quest help, trade with people or do roleplay and more? Type /ch for a list of chats to use!"
I think it might decrease the need to keep redirecting people at least by some percentage until a better solution comes along.
Cheers 😊


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Discord Moderator SPEW Game Designer Lead
Heya Sinelius!

Thanks for bringing this suggestion to us! We appreciate all the feedback and suggestions we get on these forums, as even small suggestions like these can help us to make the server better and more newcomer friendly. As for the suggestion itself, we really like this idea because it'll help new players get to know about the command, as well as what chats they have access to. Therefore, we've gone ahead and added it to the broadcasts, and this change will be reflected soon! Thank you once again!