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Chicken nugget plushie


Minecraft IGN: SpookyEllie
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Hello potterworldmc
I’m here today to tell y’all that the chicken nugget farm is growing.
With that being said I believe a chicken nugget plushie should be place.
Why? well why not ? everyone loves chicken nuggets It will be the highlight of potterworld :)

-from yours truly

chicken nuggets OUT​
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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: za1ty
Staff Serpent Werewolf Arithmancer
Hello potterworldmc
I’m here today to tell y’all that the chicken nugget farm is growing.
With that being said I believe a chicken nugget plushie should be place.
Why? well why not ? everyone loves chicken nuggets It will be the highlight of potterworld :)

-from yours truly

chicken nuggets OUT​
100% agree ellie for president

Aspasia Le Fay

Minecraft IGN: ShatterdHeart
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Builder SPEW Arena Master Linked Faerie
I kinda want to see if they'll model a chicken nugget or just make an item and rename it? So it's a yes from me. xD