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Class Helper Application


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: LillianLark
Hello! I hope whoever is reading this is having a nice day and staying healthy!
I submitted my class helper application over a month ago now (almost a month and a week). I’ve been seeing posts on the forum and saw that it takes around up to a month to get your results, so I only decided to post this after a month had passed.
What is the maximum time that I might possibly be waiting? I understand staff has a lot on their plates right now and completely understand why my application result might take longer.
Stay safe,


Minecraft IGN: Aria_Crestello
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven
When Clairey stepped down, it meant that Class Helper applications took a toll and responses took a while. CH applications can take a fair while but you should get a response within the next month!