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Copying Books

Have you ever had problems with copying books?

  • Yes, and I would like a solution for these problems

  • Yes, but I don't think its too important or that it needs a solution

  • No, but I've seen others with these problems

  • No, but I do think a solution is needed for those who do experience it

  • No, and I don't think a solution is needed

Results are only viewable after voting.


Minecraft IGN: realreallycool
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
If you know me, you know I love to write, and you probably also know that I change my username a lot.
I hold onto all my past O+ assignments and will often copy them to send to people who want to read them, whether they just want to know what I wrote about or if they want to read them to try and improve their own writing.

However, I have quite a few past assignments and in general books which I am no longer able to copy as they are under an old username. The current book copying system means that you must be the same person who wrote it - and it does that by checking your username. If you've changed your username, you are no longer able to copy your own book. I worry so much about losing past assignments, so I don't hand them out if I only have one copy remaining - even if that person says they'll give it back.

Its not just assignments affected by this. I used to have an O+ guide which I wrote and gave to serpents, and people found it extremely helpful and loved to use it. I had plans to copy a whole bunch of them before I changed my username, but I forgot and I was no longer able to hand out my O+ guide. My only option was to re-write it, and that was quite a while ago and its so difficult to rewrite that I still haven't gotten around to doing it.

However, what I find most tragic of all, is that my 1 page O+ of which the only writing is "YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE YOUR EYES" repeated (which I accidentally handed in instead of my assignment, and was given back graded with the same grade as my assignment when I handed that in) can no longer be copied for others to see.

I have two solutions that I am suggesting to this problem.
1) Some way that people are recognised by something other than their username?
The current system recognises that people are the same by checking the username, but if possible it could be able to recognise them for a different reason? I'm not sure how this would be possible however, but if it was in some way that would be ideal.

2) People are able to copy books that don't share a username with them
This would allow anyone to copy anyones books, which could be helpful as well as some people would like others to copy their book for them. It would help the production of things such as newspapers which multiple people work on and other things such as advertisements.

There are problems with this too, as sometimes books are collectibles? So, maybe there could be some way to stop certain books from being copied. This could also be impossible due to the way book copying works which I'm not aware of, this is just my own observations.

If there are any other solutions which I'm not aware of, it would be great to know of them.


Minecraft IGN: TheBrohman
Dark Follower Serpent
1) Some way that people are recognised by something other than their username?
The current system recognises that people are the same by checking the username, but if possible it could be able to recognise them for a different reason? I'm not sure how this would be possible however, but if it was in some way that would be ideal.
Another way of doing this is through Unique User IDs (UUIDs) which every player has which allows the game (Or at least Bukkit (idk if the server uses Bukkit or Spigot etc, but I assume Spigot also has it)) to recognize a player outside of their username. I believe it is possible to check the UUID of an offline player as well, but I might be wrong on that. If it is possible then there should not be any issues at all to update the book-copy system to check for UUID instead of username.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
If you really want to get the book, you could probably change your username back to whatever it was then, but I completely agree and it can be annoying when I can’t copy a book because I have a new name (though it has rarely happened to me)


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
From my experience of copying hundreds if not thousands of book deleting the username restriction would be very very useful. For example if I am working with a friend to create a propaganda leaflet and they sign it I can not copy it which makes the process of spreading the message a lot more inefficient.


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
From my experience of copying hundreds if not thousands of book deleting the username restriction would be very very useful. For example if I am working with a friend to create a propaganda leaflet and they sign it I can not copy it which makes the process of spreading the message a lot more inefficient.
I can confirm, spreading propaganda is made #harder and its sad


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
I voted No, but I do think a solution is needed for those who have, it seems a large majority of voters have encountered issues.

I agree, this should be made easier some how - But, I do think there should be some kind of protection for peoples work. I have had it before where I have sold a copy of the Tales of Beedle the Bard I had written out in MC form. and after selling it, the person I had sold it too tried to reproduce it and resell it before realising they couldn't. Although it is just a book - it's something that had a lot of time put into it copying it out word for word with the intention of selling. I would prefer not everyone be able to reproduce books - maybe a fix is - you can only reproduce with the original, but anyone who has the original can copy it? Book copies cant be reproduced. Would that solve it or does it still affect people who are copying in bulk?

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Heya @Mallaidh Callaway!

Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion, as we're always looking for ways to help improve the server! I'll bring up your suggestion to the Poltergeist team, and once it has gone through discussion, I'll send a response to you soon.

Have a nice day!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Heya @Mallaidh!

I'd like to thank you again for taking the time to create your suggestion, and sorry for the long wait! I've returned to inform you that the leadership team has decided to accept this suggestion. We can definitely see the benefits that come from changing this. However, we do not know yet what solution we want to use, so this is something for the far future and we will keep in mind all the issues mentioned in the thread. In the meantime, we hope you continue to make more suggestions in the foreseeable future.

Hope you have a nice day!