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Count as high as you can until a staff member comes on: 2.0


Minecraft IGN: mn614
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Lore Master SPEW Linked
Hehe scroll back through if you'd like to see more! I think that's the sixth one xD

Oh wow I've become a Magician from this forum :O


Minecraft IGN: mn614
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Lore Master SPEW Linked
This sonnet writing thing is getting hard/
So much to say and yet so much unheard/
Yet here I am, you'd best be on your guard/
For I am back! Your count has been deferred.

This post has lasted well beyond its days/
The counting seems to never ever cease/
So I am here to worry and amaze/
And tear the counting chain apart by piece.

From none to one to two to three to four/
You've frequently been countered after one/
I hope the counting ends forevermore/
For now I'll simply set it back to none.

It's quite a shortened chain to now destroy/
Yet still, the thought of ceasing gives me joy.