DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
PotterworldMC PotterworldMC PotterworldMC

Count as high as you can until a staff member comes on: 2.0


Minecraft IGN: Pummpkin_
Dark Follower Raven
Top five reasons why YOU are wrong.
1: I am staff
2: me epic not you
3: I disagree WAY more
4: one is irrelevant
5: zero is as popular as Ariana Grande


Minecraft IGN: Liyl
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent
top five reasons why YOU are wrong
1. students >>>
2. 1 disagree MORE
3. zero is overrated
4. 0 =
5. 1 > 0


Minecraft IGN: Pummpkin_
Dark Follower Raven
Top 10 reasons why zero is the best.
1: epic zero
2: don't be jealous
3: zero is a QUEEN
4: zero is lord
5: staff are so coooooooooool. student cool too but staff are COOOOOOL
6: 1 likes to call people names
7: i am super evil and yah
8: Zero is sUPEr powerful
9: 0 > 1.
10: 1 is small unlike 0


Minecraft IGN: Liyl
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent
Top 10 reasons why 1 is the best:
1. 1 is cooler than 0, you're just in denial
2. 1 has more clout
3. 0 is fake
4. zero WISHES she was like one
5. zero's just jealous she doesn't have a roman numeral
6. 0 is just a bootleg version of O
7. you're mean
8. 1st > 0
9. zero starts with the last letter of the alphabet so it's therefore LAST
10. zero is weak