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Cow Court Case


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: neppie__
I joined the server only to see a fellow cow to call me a fake! The cow (who I believe goes by the name Autumn) spoke with me and we came an agreement; to go to court. I spoke with LorekeeperLathos, asking them if they wanted to be my lawyer. Although, my rival moo, Autumn had already claimed what I desired. I continued the search, mostly to hear from people who were AFK, until I found Aviann_Diggen, who seemed like they were born ready. We went to court and the trial had begun... DarkTheDino as the judge was questioning our every move and a friend Wildkoekje was watching and listening for the tea. We had many accusations, I thought Autumn was a pig at one stage and near closing the case I had a sus urge to bark. Although we came to an alliance and accepted each others race with a glass of scotch and Butterbrew. We cows continued to the pole dance club, had some fun and slayed the night away.