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Daily Reward Rework


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Sinelius
How about making it build up slowly every day for 7 days?
Every day the reward gets slightly bigger and on the 7th day you get the biggest reward.
I'm not sure about specific xp or gold amounts but I'm sure it can be figured out.
It would fit nicely in the /me menu since there are 7 slots so its nice and centered.
I think it will keep players returning more and motivate them to get that bigger reward at the last day (since currently its the same reward every day which is okay but can be improved this way I think).
Cheers! 😊
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Minecraft IGN: morrgannn
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Hello! @Sinelius

Thank you for creating this suggestion! We are always looking for ways to improve our server. I will bring this up with the staff team and send a response as soon as possible!

Have an amazing day!


Minecraft IGN: morrgannn
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Hello @Sinelius,

At this time I am here to let you know that unfortunately this suggestion has been declined. While we do understand that it would be nice to return to the streak system, within the past, there were some issues with it that caused it to break. Additionally, it is not possible to do at the moment since our current tech does not allow for us to do this. We thank you again for taking the time to create this suggestion!

I hope you have a fantastic day/night!