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Daily Riddle Timer


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Pixzichix
Honeybadger Linked
Is there a reason why the daily riddle reset is 24 hours after the last riddle? If not could it be changed to a new day after 12am PST (as I assume that is the server time).
There is some players who can't make it online at the same time each day, and so we have to miss our daily to be able to set it to a more convenient time. Changing to a universal time would allow players to either bulk up today and tomorrows riddle closely or be able to catch it when we can log on easier.
I understand it won't be 12am for everyone (I'm GMT time, so +7 equalling a 7am restart) unless your able to set it for 12am depending on their time zones.

I had to skip my riddle yesterday to allow for a reset this morning as its the only time i can get to play. If it was more universal i would be able to do both days regarding of my play time.


Minecraft IGN: Mireiia
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hi there @Pixzi ,

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. Switching all of the riddles to work daily is not something we would like to focus on as of right now. The riddle timer is currently set at 23 hours to allow for players to complete the riddles every day at the same time.

Thank you for creating this suggestion nonetheless, though. We always like to hear players' feedback and ideas to make the server even better. I hope you still have an amazing day!