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Default Price Setting/Sell All in Shop


New Magician
Heyo c:

I thought it could be a cool feature to have a setting/command to set the default price for every item in the shop, as well as being able to press a single button to sell all items or take all off.

An example:
/sellall - Sets all items in stock to Selling: Yes
/sellnone - Sets all items in stock to Selling: No
/defaultprice {numerical value} - Sets prices of items added to stock after the command is run to the vault given. Items currently in your stock will not be affected.

Have a good day all!


Minecraft IGN: lividk
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW

Thank you for your suggestion! I'll talk to the Poltergeist team about this.
Have a great day!

// Leyak


Minecraft IGN: d3ci
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf
Hello there!

We have discussed your idea, and we like it! We decided that we are going to implement this, however for now we have other things to focus on, so you won't see it ingame for a while. Thank you for your suggestion, we appreciate it!


Minecraft IGN: ZADANeth
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix
Hello there!

We have discussed your idea, and we like it! We decided that we are going to implement this, however for now we have other things to focus on, so you won't see it ingame for a while. Thank you for your suggestion, we appreciate it!
The whole shop could use a few updates. Maybe a searchbar to find things by typing in the name instead of needing to know what category it's under in the marketplace? They have the functionality in the recipes with regular minecraft so it should be a feasible task.

A way to sort my type within your own store. Like at the top let it have alphabetical, my type, by region, etc. and choose how your items are listen and sorted instead of the seemingly random order they are listed in now.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven
The whole shop could use a few updates. Maybe a searchbar to find things by typing in the name instead of needing to know what category it's under in the marketplace? They have the functionality in the recipes with regular minecraft so it should be a feasible task.

A way to sort my type within your own store. Like at the top let it have alphabetical, my type, by region, etc. and choose how your items are listen and sorted instead of the seemingly random order they are listed in now.
maybe you could put this in a separate suggestion so the Poltergeist team can discuss and handle this separately.