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Diagonal Lane Road Markings


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: jtb1313
I think that Diagonal Lane would greatly benefit from road markings at each intersection and help with quests to name shops and districts more strictly according to a quest. I have seen quests request you go to shops on xxxxx street then it is found by the joke shop and this is very confusing and frustrating for new players. I should be able to navigate to a shop without the help of chat.


Minecraft IGN: may2070
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I agree! I think the same should be added to Hogsend as well. It took me a while to find some of the stores there for quests


Minecraft IGN: Khails
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire VIP Werewolf DD Writer WizNetworker
Greetings @jtb1313 ,

Thanks for suggesting an idea! We are always looking for ideas that benefit the server, and we appreciate you for bringing it forward! Personally, I think the idea of having road markings at each section would be adorable!

I'll bring your idea forth and we'll discuss whether it can be implemented or not. I'll reply back once we've reached a decision, so make sure to keep an eye out for a response on the thread!


Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Vampire SPEW
Hello again @jtb1313!

I just want to first apologize for the late response to this suggestion. We have brought up and discussed your idea with the leadership team and I am here to let you know that it has been accepted! We felt that road markings would be a great addition to diagonal lane to help players find specific locations. These would also just generally also help with quests as players are required to go to certain streets. We hope to implement road signs sometime in the future so keep an eye out for them!

Thank you again for your suggestion! We love bringing up new ideas to help improve the player experience on the server and genuinely appreciate every one of them!