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Diagonal Lane Signage


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Euleogy
In short, I can't read them. The lettering on the default signs is very small and the signs themselves are very high. Banners would probably take up too much space, but maybe utilizing maps in a creative world, or customs signs of some kind to make them actually readable? This isn't just a problem in Diagonal Lane, but it's most obvious there where the doorways are all super high up.



Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
In short, I can't read them. The lettering on the default signs is very small and the signs themselves are very high. Banners would probably take up too much space, but maybe utilizing maps in a creative world, or customs signs of some kind to make them actually readable? This isn't just a problem in Diagonal Lane, but it's most obvious there where the doorways are all super high up.
I know this isnt a direct solution but optifine has the zoom in option which helps a lot with this. Optifine is a good thing to have nonetheless, because it can help with lag a lot. Also, in the newer versions theres ways to make signs more visible, so that might be an option once server updates. Another alternative if you really want to read a sign and you do not have optifine, you can lower your POV in your video settings which will naturally zoom in your view and allow you to read the sign (I know this might be annoying to do, but if you really need to read something its a good trick to know)


Minecraft IGN: littledead
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf DD Editor Sr. Poltergeist
Hello @Euleogy ,

Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion, unfortunately it is a duplicate of a previously declined suggestion. You can find the original suggestion here. We will be keeping the signs as they are for accuracy to the movies and the overall feel of Diagonal Lane. We also feel this is not enough of a problem to spend time changing. If you are really struggling, as mentioned in the above comment, perhaps you may need to download something like Optifine to give you a zoom option.

We hope this does not discourage you from making suggestions in the future, we really appreciate the time and effort put into these posts! Thank you again, and have a wonderful day!