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don't put low years against grads in dueling class

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Minecraft IGN: lgbts
Hey, guys, let's keep it civil, after all, this is just a game that we all play to socialize and have fun! I thought I'd give you my perspective on this suggestion as a professor, although some other staff members have said their piece before I had the chance. I understand the frustration with the Hunger Games style of dueling, and definitely agree with the points that have been made about how it's hard for lower years to enjoy class and to get better at dueling (because that's one of the points of dueling, of course!). I'd honestly like something to be done about this, especially because I've been working on leveling up my alt and attended a Hunger Games style class in which I was killed instantly. There is most certaintly a better way to go about year dueling on a wider scale. I was a bit frustrated, but I do also want to address the point that has been made a few times in regards to professors having lives outside of Potterworld. We definitely do, and sometimes it can be hard to teach a class with so many different wants and needs while balancing what we're doing IRL. However, that is what we signed up for, and that's our burden to bear. We're always open for feedback of any kind, and I definitely appreciate this forum post, because although it isn't about one of my classes specifically, it does contain feedback that I can take with me to classes in the future, so I thank all of the folks who provided their input on this. If you have any questions about anything pertaining to academics as a whole, you can pm me on discord at mckenzie #1354... I'd love to hear from you and listen to any other feedback you may have about academics! Aria and Zach would also be very open to hearing anything you have to say.
Thank you so much! I really didn't mean to start any incivility with my feedback. It wasn't my intention to undermine any professor or single anyone out. I genuinely do enjoy every single professor's classes and completely understand the burden of juggling many things at once (online work, socialization, IRL life, school, work, etcetera). I'm glad this was able to provide helpful insight for your future classes, I look forward to attending! :D


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
I personally disagree with this suggestion. It is essentially calling for the deletion of something that many enjoy. When the professor announces that the class is doing hunger games people do not immediately leave out of disgust in mass exodus. Frankly if it was that horrible that they had to remove it you would expect at least half of the people below 7th year to leave and that simply does not happen. It also is not completely pointless to new players, it rewards 10 AC in a very short span of time. I remember years ago when I was at a low level I liked these classes more then the standard dueling ones because I could quickly get out of there with my AC and not have to wait for what seems like hours for the different years to battle before promptly losing anyway. I think the best solution is to make it a different class from the regular dueling class that clearly telegraphs at the start it will be a battle between all different levels.

When I read through all 40 of these replies I had a visceral feeling of disgust. I think a lot of the personal attacks, accusations, and policing of speech were uncalled for and argumentative. I don't feel like naming names (even though I believe it is not a "they were fine people on both sides" thing) because I don't feel like arguing over it. All I will say is to please hear everyone out, not try to police speech, and not accuse other people of complete nonsense. :)


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: DoritoDealer
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Vampire
I mean, usually hunger games isn't played that often... if you're getting 1 shot and you think it isn't fun then don't play it. It's all supposed to be fun and games, graduates have spent months leveling up and stuff so they shouldn't be punished for one shoting people. There is Years FFA and years freeze dueling FFA so..


Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator SPEW Store Manager Lead
I originally wasn't going to add anything here, but because there's so many different opinions I just thought I'd write a quick something up.

I've joined many, many Hunger Games dueling classes since Revelius. In that time I've joined on my main as a level 80, or on one of my alts, spanning from level 10 to 50. I will say, the experience I have had on my level 80 account is very different to the one as a level 50.

As a level 80 I'm able to run around, duel a couple of people at my level or near it, and possibly place quite high in the class. I'm able to try out different combos and see who can be victorious in the class, all whilst trying to improve my dueling skills. To me, this is what a dueling class should be about. As a level 80 it is fun, and it's often a chance to get extra AC as I can last to the top 20-or-so.

As a level 50, I am able to run around, as I did for my first few classes, before being hit by a stray (or purposeful) cascamorus by a graduate. I have pretty good gear as a level 50, but even then I only have 3k health. This is because the health and damage increase for players is exponential by the level. Meaning that stray cascamorus from the level 80? Takes me straight to the death box. No chance to fight back, or try to propulso the opponent away. To me, that's not dueling. Dueling requires combos and skills, as well as knowledge of what spells to use when. I'm not claiming to be the best at that, but I think all lower levels at least deserve the chance to learn when to use spells, how to use spells, in their dueling classes. In a hunger games class, this doesn't happen.

Lower leveled people are much less likely to gain the extra AC that they so desperately want, because quite frankly it's impossible unless a player has spent their 15 minutes in hunger games shifting behind a tree. When I really wanted ac to level up my alts that's what I did, and let me tell you it wasn't near as fun (and really hurt my pinky!) I would rather that all players were given an equal, or at least more equal, chance in their classes to gain ac/xp, and continue with their gameplay.

As others have brought up, why go to a hunger games class at all? Why not just leave when it's announced if I don't like it? The answer, at least to me, is that all the lower leveled people have already taken the effort to be online for the class, then they've sat through the queue and the rules, and then they've been online for 10-15 minutes, and Hunger Games is announced. Why leave, when they can stay for 3 more minutes, get one-shot, and leave with 10 AC? That is why the people who despise Hunger Games still attend the class- because of the AC that is crucial to leveling.

Even though the style is relatively easy AC if you're okay with dying instantly, I would think that classes aim to be: fun and somewhat challenging. Attending a class, standing in a spot (or shifting if you're actually trying to stay alive a bit longer), and then being hit and leaving immediately, does not meet either of those criteria for lower levels.

I would much prefer, and agree with this suggestion, that the Hunger Games gamemode would be removed from the dueling roster. The good alternative is a Year FFA, which is commonly used in dueling classes. Basically the only difference between the Year FFA and the Hunger Games gamemode is the map, and the one-shotting lower levels. As so many other people have said- there are a heap of dueling modes, correct! So does it really hurt to remove one?

Edit: I'll also add I am not in the Academics team, and a massive props to every single one of them. They all work amazingly hard to produce amazing classes for all the players. I do not comment as a member of that team, and I can't begin to imagine the amazing work they all do to create so many different dueling styles for us to all enjoy, so thank you for putting the effort in to create these classes for us.
(Also edited because I made typos/wanted to clear some stuff up)
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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: writerinthedark
Dark Follower Serpent
I personally disagree with this suggestion. It is essentially calling for the deletion of something that many enjoy. When the professor announces that the class is doing hunger games people do not immediately leave out of disgust in mass exodus. Frankly if it was that horrible that they had to remove it you would expect at least half of the people below 7th year to leave and that simply does not happen. It also is not completely pointless to new players, it rewards 10 AC in a very short span of time. I remember years ago when I was at a low level I liked these classes more then the standard dueling ones because I could quickly get out of there with my AC and not have to wait for what seems like hours for the different years to battle before promptly losing anyway. I think the best solution is to make it a different class from the regular dueling class that clearly telegraphs at the start it will be a battle between all different levels.
It is calling for the deletion of something that many dislike, too. I don't think anyone would genuinely be upset if this dueling game wasn't a thing anymore. It is important to recognize the distaste and take its effectiveness into account over the effects of removal. Let's be real here! Does it really hurt you to remove a game that is frustrating to your peers?

I mean, usually hunger games isn't played that often... if you're getting 1 shot and you think it isn't fun then don't play it. It's all supposed to be fun and games, graduates have spent months leveling up and stuff so they shouldn't be punished for one shoting people. There is Years FFA and years freeze dueling FFA so..
I really don't think anyone is being punished by the removal of this game mode. If it is considered a punishment to graduates upon removal, that is a problem within itself. Like you said, there are other game modes. So why do we need this one?


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: writerinthedark
Dark Follower Serpent
I originally wasn't going to add anything here, but because there's so many different opinions I just thought I'd write a quick something up.

I've joined many, many Hunger Games dueling classes since Revelius. In that time I've joined on my main as a level 80, or on one of my alts, spanning from level 10 to 50. I will say, the experience I have had on my level 80 account is very different to the one as a level 50.

As a level 80 I'm able to run around, duel a couple of people at my level or near it, and possibly place quite high in the class. I'm able to try out different combos and see who can be victorious in the class, all whilst trying to improve my dueling skills. To me, this is what a dueling class should be about. As a level 80 it is fun, and it's often a chance to get extra AC as I can last to the top 20-or-so.

As a level 50, I am able to run around, as I did for my first few classes, before being hit by a stray (or purposeful) cascamorus by a graduate. I have pretty good gear as a level 50, but even then I only have 3k health. This is because the health and damage increase for players is exponential by the level. Meaning that stray cascamorus from the level 80? Takes me straight to the death box. No chance to fight back, or try to propulso the opponent away. To me, that's not dueling. Dueling requires combos and skills, as well as knowledge of what spells to use when. I'm not claiming to be the best at that, but I think all lower levels at least deserve the chance to learn when to use spells, how to use spells, in their dueling classes. In a hunger games class, this doesn't happen.

Lower leveled people are much less likely to gain the extra AC that they so desperately want, because quite frankly it's impossible unless a player has spent their 15 minutes in hunger games shifting behind a tree. When I really wanted ac to level up my alts that's what I did, and let me tell you it wasn't near as fun (and really hurt my pinky!) I would rather that all players were given an equal, or at least more equal, chance in their classes to gain ac/xp, and continue with their gameplay.

As others have brought up, why go to a hunger games class at all? Why not just leave when it's announced if I don't like it? The answer, at least to me, is that all the lower leveled people have already taken the effort to be online for the class, then they've sat through the queue and the rules, and then they've been only for 10-15 minutes, and Hunger Games is announced. Why leave, when they can stay for 3 more minutes, get one-shot, and leave with 10 AC? That is why the people who despise Hunger Games still attend the class- because of the AC that is crucial to leveling.

Even though the style is relatively easy AC if you're okay with dying instantly, I would think that classes aim to be: fun and somewhat challenging. Attending a class, standing in a spot (or shifting if you're actually trying to stay alive a bit longer), and then being hit and leaving immediately, does not meet either of those criteria for lower levels. I would much prefer, and agree with this suggestion, that the Hunger Games gamemode would be removed from the dueling roster. As so many other people have said- there are a heap of dueling modes, correct! So does it really hurt to remove one?

And to all the graduates- what's fun about the Hunger Games gamemode which is different to the Graduate FFA gamemode? The only difference I can find is possibly the map, and otherwise it's the one-shotting the lower levels.

Edit: I'll also add I am not in the Academics team, and a massive props to every single one of them. They all work amazingly hard to produce amazing classes for all the players. I do not comment as a member of that team, and I can't begin to imagine the amazing work they all do to create so many different dueling styles for us to all enjoy.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Maxwheell
Phoenix Serpent
Ok so here’s my take on the whole thing right lower years have never really been able to kill grads It just ends up in them dying eventually. These are also the only fun styles that happen anymore considering house ffa isn’t a thing anymore. First thing is they barley happen anyways which makes dueling classes kinda boring because year ffas Are just boring. This is also one class out of like 20 that lower years don’t have as fair of a chance too get the extra like 10 or 5 ac in. Quite simply if you really hate dueling classes so much don’t attend there is so many other classes you can go too and get ac.

Yumei Fireheart

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: VetMedYumei
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
Uhmm.. I'm just gonna add something. Based on my friend's experience when he entered the dueling class hunger game style. He's very frustrated when the hunger game started. He don't know what to do and where to hide because seems like all of them are scattered. He's only year 1 or year 2 I think? I invited him to play potter world because of the dueling class since he likes to play something that includes fighting or dueling. Well after that he simply got one-shot by someone without knowing anything or where that spell came from. After that he told me that he will never gonna attend that class anymore not knowing that some of the dueling class are really good. I tried to reason out with him but he just said "It's just not fair." So yeah, sadly he never went online after that.

How bout this? Lets not talk about deletion shall we? Like Joshios said,
I feel like it would be possible to alter Hunger Games to include all players, but in a different way so it's fair for everyone.
I'm adding things up! :3
Quite simply if you really hate dueling classes so much don’t attend there is so many other classes you can go too and get ac.
Try to read Tang's opinion. It might tell you why they don't just skip dueling and attend other class. Like connect em all up. The reasons, their needs and the enjoyment.
Low levels need AC, ofc they can get some from other class but they badly need it you know? Its not like they gonna wait for 5-12hrs for the next class just to get AC because they didn't like to attend dueling class. I mean I just hope you also understand their struggles, especially the new players. Just like my friend, he tried to attend it to have fun but unfortunately the class style is hunger games. Unlucky I'd say, he gave up after that. Not only the class but also the Potter world.
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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Maxwheell
Phoenix Serpent
Uhmm.. I'm just gonna add something. Based on my friend's experience when he entered the dueling class hunger game style. He's very frustrated when the hunger game started. He don't know what to do and where to hide because seems like all of them are scattered. He's only year 1 or year 2 I think? I invited him to play potter world because of the dueling class since he likes to play something that includes fighting or dueling. Well after that he simply got one-shot by someone without knowing anything or where that spell came from. After that he told me that he will never gonna attend that class anymore not knowing that some of the dueling class are really good. I tried to reason out with him but he just said "It's just not fair." So yeah, sadly he never went online after that.

How bout this? Lets not talk about deletion shall we? Like Joshios said,
In all honesty the simple solution is remove gear and honesty this is coming from someone who’s spent so much gold on gear but it’s just impossible to balance these things with gear. I know they won’t remove it but I honestly feel like it’s removal would be good for the server


Minecraft IGN: lgbts
@VetMedYumei I agree completely! The original suggestion was not to remove the Hunger Games style, but to not force lower years to duel graduates haha

Going back to something I said early on,
why not do the "Hunger Games" dueling style broken down by year, where it can effectively benefit everyone in the class? Or even break it down to years 1-3, years 4-6, and year 7-graduates.
The major thing that makes the "Hunger Games" style unique is the huge arena with hiding places and lots of terrain changes. This could still be used, but there could be year groups like years 1-3, 4-6 and 7-grad (or even just 2 groups of years 1-5 and 6-grad if need be due to time constraints). This way it would still have the "challenge" aspect that some seem to emphasize, while still not making it completely impossible for others.

This is different from an FFA for 2 reasons: the group in the arena and the arena itself. If I am not mistaken, these are the same two reasons the "Hunger Games" style is different from FFAs as it currently exists.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: zeeemoney
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW
hi, I don't want to start an argument or anything but I j spent like kwjrgvnewrk an hour reading all of this so I just thought I'd give my ~opinion~ just for the sake of it yk.

ok, so I personally like hunger games, idrk why but it's just fun to me even tho the only way I can make it to the top 20 is if I stand behind a tree, run away from anyone who comes into my line of vision, go underwater or something but I just like the open chat and it's fun to talk to my friends in class (ik you can do that in like every dueling class but still, it just hits diff in hunger games ikwjrnewr). You could argue that it's because I'm a grad but that's DEFINITELY not the case as even today in a year FFA class I still got 2 shot (thanks Dorito xoxo) and to me, it's really quite a nice change from the year FFA dueling classes that happen once or twice a day as literally EVERY dueling class is year FFA even if we have the opportunity to do freeze dueling or something else the majority ALWAYS picks year FFA and to me year FFA is just a bit boring now bc we do it so often.

I kinda disagree with most of this thread/suggestion bc many people do enjoy hunger games (probably mainly 6ths - grads but tbh that's still a large portion of the player base) but I can definitely see where the lower levels are coming from and I do agree with some of the points made as I only joined PW a few months ago and when rev was released I was a 5th or 6th year (I'm not even lv 80 yet LMAO I'm 77). Hunger games also is definitely not pointless to new players because you can just get your 10 ac in a very short span of time and then leave (I understand that that's definitely not fun at all but it's better than just leaving without your ac at the beginning). Before rev these were mainly the only dueling classes that I'd see happening and I liked these classes more than the standard dueling ones because I could quickly get my AC then leave and not have to wait sooo long for all the years to go before losing anyway.

It is calling for the deletion of something that many dislike, too. I don't think anyone would genuinely be upset if this dueling game wasn't a thing anymore. It is important to recognize the distaste and take its effectiveness into account over the effects of removal. Let's be real here! Does it really hurt you to remove a game that is frustrating to your peers?
I for one would be hella upset if they stopped doing hunger games completely, and it would b a bit unfair to just stop doing it since a large group loves hunger games and an equally as large group dislikes it. I do see that it favors grads and is unfair to lower levels as they have no chance of winning, but tbh even before rev lower levels never had a chance at winning hunger games as if a grad with every spell came after a first-year they'd be DEAD within seconds as they have no healing or mobility spells so tbh hunger games was never winnable for first years, it's just a faster loss for said first years now that gear has been introduced, but tbh year FFA sometimes isn't fair because as much as they try to prevent it there is some teaming/trucing.

As others have brought up, why go to a hunger games class at all? Why not just leave when it's announced if I don't like it? The answer, at least to me, is that all the lower leveled people have already taken the effort to be online for the class, then they've sat through the queue and the rules, and then they've been online for 10-15 minutes, and Hunger Games is announced. Why leave, when they can stay for 3 more minutes, get one-shot, and leave with 10 AC? That is why the people who despise Hunger Games still attend the class- because of the AC that is crucial to leveling.
In response to what Tang said here, in my opinion, a v v v ez solution (kinda) would be to just teach hunger games dueling as a different class (just a diff name yk) which would 100% eliminate the time that they would spend online/waiting through the rules then be disappointed or upset to find out that it's hunger games and not year FFA or, they could just add a message with the disclaimer (like the no ac one for challenges) saying that it's hunger games so the players would know that they're going to a hunger games dueling class.

anyways, that is all please do not roast me as this is just my opinion :)
i hope you all have a GREAT day ok bye xoxo
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Alexa Zoldyck

Minecraft IGN: AlexShock
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Vampire
hii Um I know I already said something but I just wanted to say I agree with @zara

Overall, I really do enjoy hunger games. I understand that it can be unfair for the lower years, but It's really unfair to take something away from the people who have been playing for a while now. I started playing back in mid-may, and I remember it being one of my first classes I ever went to with @Kira Zoldyck cause she had got me to start playing it! There a huge group of people who dislike it and a huge group that truly does love it.

Even tho I'm a grad ( I'm level 73) I still get one shot by Dorito or jack a lot, but when we play hunger games it's a lot more fun cause everyone talking, and it's an amazing environment. I've gotten close to people on Potterworld thanks to hunger games, cause I talked to people I didn't know.

In response to what Tang said here, in my opinion, a v v v ez solution (kinda) would be to just teach hunger games dueling as a different class (just a diff name yk) which would 100% eliminate the time that they would spend online/waiting through the rules then be disappointed or upset to find out that it's hunger games and not year FFA or, they could just add a message with the disclaimer (like the no ac one for challenges) saying that it's hunger games so the players would know that they're going to a hunger games dueling class.

anyways, that is all please do not roast me as this is just my honest opinion :)
i hope you all have a GREAT day ok bye xoxo
I think this is overall a really good idea and should be considered. it would be able people who like hunger games to go, and not cause any confusion for the new people and the people who dislike it, Instead of taking it away completely.

It also had to be realized that there a lot of new people that are joining because of tik tok, and they need the class for a so they go. we can't stop them from going then complaining about the class saying it was bad and stuff. It gets really annoying too. Although I'm not staff and gave never been staff, I do understand that it's hard for them to make everyone happy with the choices at the end of the day. I'm close with a few of the professors, and someday they just gotta rush to get things done, such as class cause they need to teach a certain amount of class each week. ( it might be each month I forgot-). Either way, we gotta remember they try to make the most people happy in class.

idk just my thoughts tho.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: DoritoDealer
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Vampire
hi, I don't want to start an argument or anything but I j spent like kwjrgvnewrk an hour reading all of this so I just thought I'd give my ~opinion~ just for the sake of it yk.

ok, so I personally like hunger games, idrk why but it's just fun to me even tho the only way I can make it to the top 20 is if I stand behind a tree, run away from anyone who comes into my line of vision, go underwater or something but I just like the open chat and it's fun to talk to my friends in class (ik you can do that in like every dueling class but still, it just hits diff in hunger games ikwjrnewr). You could argue that it's because I'm a grad but that's DEFINITELY not the case as even today in a year FFA class I still got 2 shot (thanks Dorito xoxo) and to me, it's really quite a nice change from the year FFA dueling classes that happen once or twice a day as literally EVERY dueling class is year FFA even if we have the opportunity to do freeze dueling or something else the majority ALWAYS picks year FFA and to me year FFA is just a bit boring now bc we do it so often.

I kinda disagree with most of this thread/suggestion bc many people do enjoy hunger games (probably mainly 6ths - grads but tbh that's still a large portion of the player base) but I can definitely see where the lower levels are coming from and I do agree with some of the points made as I only joined PW a few months ago and when rev was released I was a 5th or 6th year (I'm not even lv 80 yet LMAO I'm 77). Hunger games also is definitely not pointless to new players because you can just get your 10 ac in a very short span of time and then leave (I understand that that's definitely not fun at all but it's better than just leaving without your ac at the beginning). Before rev these were mainly the only dueling classes that I'd see happening and I liked these classes more than the standard dueling ones because I could quickly get my AC then leave and not have to wait sooo long for all the years to go before losing anyway.

I for one would be hella upset if they stopped doing hunger games completely, and it would b a bit unfair to just stop doing it since a large group loves hunger games and an equally as large group dislikes it. I do see that it favors grads and is unfair to lower levels as they have no chance of winning, but tbh even before rev lower levels never had a chance at winning hunger games as if a grad with every spell came after a first-year they'd be DEAD within seconds as they have no healing or mobility spells so tbh hunger games was never winnable for first years, it's just a faster loss for said first years now that gear has been introduced, but tbh year FFA sometimes isn't fair because as much as they try to prevent it there is some teaming/trucing.

In response to what Tang said here, in my opinion, a v v v ez solution (kinda) would be to just teach hunger games dueling as a different class (just a diff name yk) which would 100% eliminate the time that they would spend online/waiting through the rules then be disappointed or upset to find out that it's hunger games and not year FFA or, they could just add a message with the disclaimer (like the no ac one for challenges) saying that it's hunger games so the players would know that they're going to a hunger games dueling classes.
also not trying to cause an argument because I really see how it is so frustrating to lose years. But I just want people who get one shot to understand this, back when I used to play dueling classes were house FFA. With the introduction of gear, they had to make changes so it would be year FFA instead so you’d go against people your year (same or similar gear and spells) Honestly Dueling has been really fun lately for me, the Hunger Games brings back some nostalgia for me when I used to play with people running around and stuff. That’s what hunger games is to me, not some sort of scheme to make lower years experience worse or anything, all hunger games is a chance to experience dueling in an old fashion. Like many people have said, waiting 10 for 15 minutes for basically free 10 AC, however I know that dueling can be super fun for lower years too. Being so I think that the suggestion that Zara made about announcing that it’ll be a hunger games class could be a great idea so that lower years who enjoy dueling or the class in general could participate as well. Taking dueling away wouldn’t be fair to anyone who enjoys dueling, whether it’s someone who joined that day or people who have been playing for years. Also for someone like me who has spent over 100k gold on gear (and a others a TON more).

pls don’t flame me c:


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: tillquila
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
I originally wasn't going to add anything here, but because there's so many different opinions I just thought I'd write a quick something up.

I've joined many, many Hunger Games dueling classes since Revelius. In that time I've joined on my main as a level 80, or on one of my alts, spanning from level 10 to 50. I will say, the experience I have had on my level 80 account is very different to the one as a level 50.

As a level 80 I'm able to run around, duel a couple of people at my level or near it, and possibly place quite high in the class. I'm able to try out different combos and see who can be victorious in the class, all whilst trying to improve my dueling skills. To me, this is what a dueling class should be about. As a level 80 it is fun, and it's often a chance to get extra AC as I can last to the top 20-or-so.

As a level 50, I am able to run around, as I did for my first few classes, before being hit by a stray (or purposeful) cascamorus by a graduate. I have pretty good gear as a level 50, but even then I only have 3k health. This is because the health and damage increase for players is exponential by the level. Meaning that stray cascamorus from the level 80? Takes me straight to the death box. No chance to fight back, or try to propulso the opponent away. To me, that's not dueling. Dueling requires combos and skills, as well as knowledge of what spells to use when. I'm not claiming to be the best at that, but I think all lower levels at least deserve the chance to learn when to use spells, how to use spells, in their dueling classes. In a hunger games class, this doesn't happen.

Lower leveled people are much less likely to gain the extra AC that they so desperately want, because quite frankly it's impossible unless a player has spent their 15 minutes in hunger games shifting behind a tree. When I really wanted ac to level up my alts that's what I did, and let me tell you it wasn't near as fun (and really hurt my pinky!) I would rather that all players were given an equal, or at least more equal, chance in their classes to gain ac/xp, and continue with their gameplay.

As others have brought up, why go to a hunger games class at all? Why not just leave when it's announced if I don't like it? The answer, at least to me, is that all the lower leveled people have already taken the effort to be online for the class, then they've sat through the queue and the rules, and then they've been online for 10-15 minutes, and Hunger Games is announced. Why leave, when they can stay for 3 more minutes, get one-shot, and leave with 10 AC? That is why the people who despise Hunger Games still attend the class- because of the AC that is crucial to leveling.

Even though the style is relatively easy AC if you're okay with dying instantly, I would think that classes aim to be: fun and somewhat challenging. Attending a class, standing in a spot (or shifting if you're actually trying to stay alive a bit longer), and then being hit and leaving immediately, does not meet either of those criteria for lower levels.

I would much prefer, and agree with this suggestion, that the Hunger Games gamemode would be removed from the dueling roster. The good alternative is a Year FFA, which is commonly used in dueling classes. Basically the only difference between the Year FFA and the Hunger Games gamemode is the map, and the one-shotting lower levels. As so many other people have said- there are a heap of dueling modes, correct! So does it really hurt to remove one?

Edit: I'll also add I am not in the Academics team, and a massive props to every single one of them. They all work amazingly hard to produce amazing classes for all the players. I do not comment as a member of that team, and I can't begin to imagine the amazing work they all do to create so many different dueling styles for us to all enjoy, so thank you for putting the effort in to create these classes for us.
(Also edited because I made typos/wanted to clear some stuff up)
I pretty much agree with Tang here.

I've been on the receiving end of being one shotted by graduates both on my main and my alt in the past, and its extremely frustrating, especially considering how valuable AC are when you're leveling up. I get that before Revelius, the chances of a lower year winning or placing well in a dueling class like this were low, but it was still possible as I've done it before, but now with gear the only way to do that is by hiding. I can see why people think that the extra 10 AC for winning a class isn't a whole lot, but in reality those 10 AC can save hours of time spent killing mobs to earn that same amount of xp. Hunger Games for lower years, even low level graduates, right now isn't really a dueling class, it's literally just hiding, and saying that if you don't like Hunger Games, just leave, isn't great either considering a huge part of class is for lower years to have fun and earn AC. Even as a graduate I don't find Hunger Games very fun, as most of the class is just searching the map for hiding players, though I do get why some people like it, especially considering that it's a break from the typical year FFAs which many graduates don't find enjoyable. I do think Zara's solution of having a warning announced that a dueling class will be Hunger Games style is a good idea though, especially since a lot of people do enjoy it.


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Discord Moderator SPEW Game Designer Lead
Hello, and thank you to everyone who contributed to this thread! Thank you for taking the time to leave your opinions. We really appreciate the passion and enthusiasm shown on this thread about this particular topic, but I'd like to take this time to remind you to remain respectful, and also that people have different opinions, which is okay.

Since this thread was created, we have released the ability for gear to be disabled during classes. This would definitely help closing the gap between lower and higher levels and make things fairer. A lot of professors do take year differences into consideration. We have reached out to Academics in regards to this thread, and they will be reminding the professors about year differences and how this can affect dueling.

At the end of the day, professors are given freedom on how they run their classes, so it is up to them about what style of class they run. So, we will be taking the feedback from this thread and using it as best as we can. Due to the above reasoning, we will be accepting this suggestion. If you have any further questions or concerns about this, you are welcome to message a member of the Academics leadership team. You are also welcome to message any professor after their class with constructive feedback you may have for them.
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