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dueling no good


Minecraft IGN: Jutarii
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin
dueling is one of the competetive sections on potterworld and its also the least active one.
on potterworld dueling has been a minigame and competetive game for a long time but its been getting less and less attention lately from new players, i think the main reasons are that its hard to get all the spells because you'll need to be atleast level 55 for spells to actually come close to the loadout needen to even compete with level 80s and the talents system makes it also impossible because you just have to be lvl 80 because that power up is very strong in comparison to others. dueling also has a huge skill gap and harshly any new players who would like to play against the active duelers these times and just get thrown around. i think the server should atleast try to make it playable also for new players because its already hard to make a selection of 10 players that actively duel at this time. thats also because there are close to no suprise challanges and the activity in the dueling community in general is close to none. lately there has been a community called UDC ( unoficcial dueling community) that have been trying to make the gamemode more active again but the staff team also doesnt show any interest in even trying what the udc tried to does. i think there should be put more attention into the dueling section in general because soon enough it will only drop more and more in activity and skill level because for a player like me thats a level 80 and a graduate there isnt much to do on potterworld and i just enjoy dueling but thats just not active which is why i play less and less lately and i think im not the only one who thinks that way.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: EdenLovesMommy
Auralock Dark Follower Raven
half of that is just not true.

because of talents low levels absolutely have a decent fighting chance against higher level players. You can’t just argue that you should get spells at lower levels because more people would have a chance. You can give a year one every spell and if they don’t know how to duel, they would have no chance against a graduate. Compare that to someone who knows how to duel, and they have a chance. There is nothing that would be a logical fix for the skill gap between players and there shouldn’t be any attempts to really narrow it at this point. Dueling is the most even playing field between players right now thait’s ever been.

if potterworld cares to boost the player base of the dueling community they WONT solve it by changing a very fair system. The lack of players in dueling can be attributed to the server as a whole not promoting dueling as a core pillar of potterworld. Arena is in as good of a state as it has ever been and they cannot be blamed for lack of interest either. You can’t just create new types of challenges and expect players that have never had any interest in arena to migrate towards competitive play because of that.

Arena isn’t taken as seriously as it should by head staff and Droobledore. We need arena to be recognized again as a core part of potterworld. Right now it is treated as a “side quest” in the grand scheme of things and isnt getting the recognition it needs to survive. I also blame the lack of players right now to it just being the lowest player count time of the year. I think naturally people will pick it back up as we move into the new year.

also there should be a year one quest where you have to go to the dueling halls and click on salmandingo or something so people even realize it’s a thing.


Head of Academics
Head Staff
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Creme_de_Creme
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Head Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf DD Writer SPEW Drooble's Order Lead
Heya @lightning_boss !

Thank you for your feedback as we are always looking for new ways to improve the server. We believe that talents level the playing field for all dueling related content. As for not having enough spells, that is one of the main reasons why we encourage players to continue playing our server and level up. We do believe that there are enough spells at lower levels to allow players of various experiences, backgrounds, and levels to be on as equal as a playing field that they can be. We agree with you that one of the hardest things to cross is the skill gap between new duelists and experienced duelists. We have begun to try to cross this skill gap by improving the dueling halls to include a target practice room, adding stats that allow you to see if anyone is already dueling in an arena, added a new channel in the Arena Discord to begin sharing information and knowledge about dueling that experienced players generally take for granted and newer players know nothing about. Additionally, the Arena Team has been hosting more surprise challenges and training sessions than we had been 6 months ago. Unfortunately, we cannot host the same type of competitions that the UDC has hosted as those are based on an honor system which would be difficult to convert into an official event, much less a live event. If you have any other ideas in how to make it easier to draw people to more dueling activities, I welcome you to suggest and share those ideas. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback!