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Minecraft IGN: leugim23
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Linked
Basically my idea consists in having dungeons scattered around the map, with different level ranges.
People would be able to do these whenever they wanted, with rewards that are worth the effort through the dungeon, like resources or an amount of gold depending on the level range of the dungeon.

These dungeons could work in many different ways:
- There could be a key system, for example, the dungeons could be locked and people would need to get its key from a mob or an NPC, and these could even be tradeable among players, which I believe would be a great way to make money on the marketplace;
- The dungeons' challenges could be defeating mobs, solving puzzles, helping NPCs on dungeon-specific quests, etc;
- Here are some ideas of the "shapes" that these dungeons could have (which are just the ones I thought of, there can be more options):
- Linear, where we'd have to follow a path, completing the objectives given to us, and reaching the end with maybe a final boss and a reward;
- Branched, with different paths that we can follow, and complete the ones we'd like, each path being unique, and then, assuming we didn't die (and consequently failed the dungeon) exit the dungeon either from where we came in or through a specific exit (which could be on a specific branch or in its own place, and could be unlocked by a final challenge as well)
- Endless, where people would have to, for example, fight waves of mobs, face challenges, the same stuff basically, while attempting to stay alive as long as possible, and when they fail or die, they'd recieve the reward based on their performance.
I'm sure there are tons of other mechanics that could be implemented in this idea too.

I believe this would be a nice and challenge activity that doesn't require grinding, even though people could still choose to grind them, and would be also something that encourages people to go with groups, like a party, as it would be more efficient and perhaps rewarding (the difficulty and the rewards could also scale with the amount of people that are attempting the dungeon). This could also be something for those people that have completed all the content available; they could grind these dungeons, depending on whether they're repeatable or not, or do the endless ones, if they're implemented. The dungeons could also be a good (but not too good to keep balance) source of gold, if not just for grads / level 80 players.

I'm just throwing ideas around, I'm not fully aware of the limitations of the plugins used on the server, and I don't expect this to get released anytime soon, if it does, because I'm sure it would take a lot of effort, but I hope it is taken into consideration :)
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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: FLiiiPENDO
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix VIP Linked
We've had dungeons in the past and are actively working on updating and returning them to the game, as well as creating more to fill out most level ranges. This could take some time, and while we're hoping to have at least one out by the end of the year, the development is in very early stages and therefore I cannot prvoide an ETA.

I can confirm that our dungeons will not be solo content, and you will need a group of 5 to enter a dungeon. Dungeons will reward the highest tier items until more challenging gameplay is created, and will be the main content for those at max level. We're hoping to divulge more information in the near future, along with information on our other plans!


Minecraft IGN: Scoobydoolego
Although it would be nice to be able to do it solo, if it usually requires 5 people and is built for that difficulty, I doubt anyone could complete it by themself.

Also, how soon is "the near future"? C:


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
if it usually requires 5 people and is built for that difficulty, I doubt anyone could complete it by themself.
I meant that I wish they would make a separate solo mode, where the number/health of mobs is decreased and would generally be crafted around a single player experience. Obviously it would take a lot of development time but at least in my opinion it would be worth it, especially for the non lvl 80 dungeons that are geared towards non lvl 80 players who are usually less "established" on the server then grads.


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Heya Leugim23!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and idea with us. We really appreciate it and hope you will come forward with your ideas more often!
As Flip has already stated, this idea or at least something similar is already being planned, so I will be marking this suggestion as "On-Hold". We will also take your thoughts into advisement and hope that you are all excited about this!
Thanks again and have a great day!